You disgust me, no salsa‽
You disgust me, no salsa‽
IIRC cats cant digest milk well anyway as they are lactose intolerant but just fuckin love it
Wouldnt the company be more profitable without his interference and huge salary/bonus?
Remember kids, Putin: not even once.
Its at least a rolling boil
Even if they didnt show him winning, a poll saying its roughly 50/50 is like saying to someone your going to flip a coin and then them being flabbergasted when it comes out tails, what did you expect, its probability, not the current vote percentage.
I raise you Meiji
Is this a “drones are coming to harm us” thing or a “paparazzi drones are taking pictures/videos where we thought we were out of sight” thing?
Yes Aus has both of those things too.
Misinformation or misdirection for how to vote or voting practices? The AEC will have you for that.
Misinformation or straight up political lies to convince you to vote for them?
Thats allowed.
In Aus politicians can say whatever they want to get you to vote for them/not for the other parties, but they cannot trick you into filling out your vote cads to vote in a way that you didnt intend.
Why dont you check out Time’s person of the year 1938
The sad part being that the guy was innocent of the accusations in that case
Financial literacy question #1: how does a tariff work?
MAGA movement becomes volatile and aggravating enough to get traction and push a large portion of the country to reelect trump and all he stands for.
“Seems like a normal election, people chose the party with the policy they liked, people are in a sound mental state”
Also experts:
CEO murdered after just one of the corporate victims finally decides to take a stand against the injustice. People laud him for standing up for everyone.
“Its concerning people have taken this extreme view”
Ok ok, so maybe it will happen, but it surely won’t affect me.
Beef & gravy rolls
From my experience parties are always better with Molly
Oh im sorry, did you want to be exempt from ruining the environment in Vermont because you were actually ruining the environment outside of Vermont, and if they happen to be connected somehow thats just a weird coincidence of them both being contained within the same planet’s atmosphere?