Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy’s entire existence is a privilege.
He/They. Trying out some different instances. If you see this handle on another instance, it’s probably me, unless someone else also stole it from Campaign: Skyjacks.
Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy’s entire existence is a privilege.
Apparently she got involved in a big crypto scam or something too. Not sure if that makes her explicitly right wing though.
Interesting. I’ll have to see if I can get that in the US. I do miss having the headphone jack.
The A71 came out in 2020, which was about when Samsung was phasing the jacks out. And they took them out of the S line first, which I always thought was weird - for a while, you had this feature that was present in their mid range phones, but completely absent in the more expensive flagships. They’re not the only ones that did that, of course, but it does seem kinda backwards.
My Moto also does per-app volume, and I agree, it’s pretty rad.
Most recent Androids don’t have an audio jack either. Samsung dropped it from their flagship products back in 2020, and that change made it slowly throughout their line. The Google Pixels don’t have headphone jacks, the Moto Edge I use doesn’t have a headphone jack, etc.
Honestly, if you have a a phone made in the last few years that does have a headphone jack, I’m curious to know what kind.
Somebody call Nintendo, we’re about to have a Year of Luigi.
Exactly. This guy made it big and did nothing to use his power to help people. Hell, if anything, he made it worse. He oversaw the cruelest company in a cruel industry.
Crap. Where will I get single-color M&Ms now?
Yeremi Colino was murdered the same day. No massive manhunt, no big cash reward for his murderers’ capture. AFAIK, they’re still at large.
But I guess that’s the difference in how our society values the lives of a migrant teenager and a CEO of a massive insurance conglomerate.
It’s not enough that these people steal from us and kill us, but they also insist we not criticize them while they do it.
I feel like this is going to end like Murder on the Orient Express, where…
… it turns out that literally everyone took turns shooting him.
I doubt it’s anything so deliberate. This story has been going viral on Bluesky as well.
It seems it slipped through the cracks at the time, but recent events have led people to reexamine it.
Yeah, that’s not a great source. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/nutritionfacts-org/
I’ve been seeing more and more of those stickers around the last couple of years. I think this is just the media catching up
And now he gets to dictate public health policy.
Yes, we can all see Elon is embracing his heritage of brutal apartheid.
I mean, if you’re the asshole for suggesting it, then I’m right there being an asshole with you. I still tip, because I want the people who serve me to be able to take care of themselves, but ideally, that shouldn’t be my fucking responsibility. It should be their employer’s. It’s a fucking barbaric system that puts service workers’ ability to put food on the table in the hands of entitled Karens and reduces them to begging for a decent wage.
There’s a cider bar that opened in my town recently with a strict no-tipping policy, and holy shit, is it ever refreshing to not have to deal with that rigamarole.
I’ve been avoiding them for decades now. What they do to labor, what they do to suppliers, now this. And to top it all off, it’s just a really unpleasant place to shop.
A guy like Thiel leaves nothing to chance.