SSNs are guaranteed to be unique upon assignment. The problem is that so many leaks have happened that nearly everyone’s has been stolen and is being used in some type of financial identity theft. The thieves are the people with two (or more) SSNs.
SSNs are guaranteed to be unique upon assignment. The problem is that so many leaks have happened that nearly everyone’s has been stolen and is being used in some type of financial identity theft. The thieves are the people with two (or more) SSNs.
But what if they are a woman…?
Trump cannot be sued while president, but is free to sue others…
Facing an “unprecedented” number of civil lawsuits, Trump argued that having to fend off the litigation would be a “distraction” from his presidential duties and “interfere substantially” with the function of the executive branch.
I pick up a client’s meds as part of my job. It’s through Safeway, and I can’t get text notifications anymore when they are ready for pickup, I have to use the app, and I have to have push notifications turned on, so more than half of the notifications are some BS ad for safeway, trying to tempt me into buying bread or some shit. The guy takes over twenty medications, so it’s kind of a nightmare.
Not supporting enslavement of the incarcerated, but in California, you can’t be forced to fight fires as a prisoner, it’s a volunteer position.
Not really. Normal people would see prison time for felony tax evasion. They are just making him pay what he owes. He’s not being punished. He’s also under house arrest for human trafficking instead of prison. He’s largely avoiding the consequences of his crimes.
The $3 mil is cool, but I’m most delighted that CBS News put “misogynist influencer Andrew Tate” in a headline.
Interesting! Does the curbside program bill you by weight as well? That sounds labor intensive, compared to here where you just rent the $small, $$medium or $$$large bin and pay quarterly regardless of use. And recycling and composting are free.
That is neat! But since it charges you to put things in, wouldn’t that encourage people to just throw their food in the trash? Or is that discouraged somehow?
The county I live in (Northern California) requires that household food waste go into the curbside compost bin, or home compost. They do random checks to make sure you haven’t put any food in the landfill bin and you can get a fine.
It gets turned into compost for landscaping, along with the yard waste, not food though.
You can see for yourself what happened, from two angles. Two witnesses saw what happened. A bunch of cops got scared and killed someone. Of course they are going to craft a narrative that makes them heroes. Their BS doesn’t deserve any air time. Are eye witnesses less reliable than cops who are reliably liars, even when their asses aren’t on the line?
I counted five seconds between officers realizing a person had knives and that person dying. Multiple officers shouted over each other as they ran, no one giving clear instructions. The video doesn’t show the man “charging” anywhere until the herd of cops charges at him. It is legal to open carry knives in Ohio.
2 people killed by sharks in the US in 2023, 1163 killed by police.
A homeless man was shot because there were too many cops around.
14th and Vliet is near the secure zone of the Republican National Convention, but we have no reason to believe this incident is connected to events at the RNC.
TMJ4 spoke to two people, who said they witnessed the shooting, telling TMJ4 they saw a man walk across Vliet St., and said police followed him across the street, and shot the man in the back.
According to the witnesses, the man lived at a nearby homeless encampment with them and was just trying to cross the street when police shot him.
“More than 4,000 additional law enforcement officials are in Milwaukee for the RNC, and we’ve long feared how this heavy police presence could increase the risk of deadly police encounters, especially by out-of-state officers who don’t know and aren’t accountable to our community. We offer our condolences to the friends and family of the person killed.”
Those aren’t really a thing right now. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes