Conservative whenever he feels like it.
Despite the name, Ford has racked up record spending in the last few years, with the most recent fiasco being an attempt to bribe ontarians with their own money in the form of $200 cheques.
Conservative whenever he feels like it.
Despite the name, Ford has racked up record spending in the last few years, with the most recent fiasco being an attempt to bribe ontarians with their own money in the form of $200 cheques.
Agreed. If America really wants to free itself of toxic bigotry and such an easily exploitable weakness, it needs to detoxify conservative ideology by targeting MAGA and far right voices that benefit Russia.
Unfortunately, propaganda works. The best antidote is emphasis on things you can see firsthand but most people don’t know shit about whether or not immigrants are actually responsible for crimes (they mostly aren’t). All they get is a small increase in costs of living. So they listen to the talking heads on TV who scapegoat whatever minority or target of the week, and if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people eventually come to believe it.
Ahahaha Canada.com? How much more blatant can it be that the site is American?
Nono, let these morons suffer their consequences. I hope they don’t mind learning Russian because they’re going to need it to communicate with their new masters.
It’s just like Twitter. Now that Trump is back in the white house, tech companies can get away with whatever boosts profits, even if it means being a toxic cesspool of conservative hate speech (it’s ok because the president does it amirite)
Fuck reddit. My ban is a badge of honor for not being a fucking snowflake.
Then let’s amend the citizenship act to include acts of treason
It needs to cover capital gains because of how many measure their wealth by unrealized stock gains.
Also estate tax loopholes need closing so generational inequality doesn’t worsen
Yea, despite Marit Stiles’ best efforts (and Bonnie Crombie’s mediocre efforts), Ford is better at getting headlines when he needs them. They didn’t get enough opportunities to challenge his narrative and call him out on his scandals.
And since Trump distracted everybody, Dougie bet that voters would be too burned out to kick him out of office. With a 45% turnout this election, he was unfortunately correct.
I guess we get the governments we deserve. Bribing people with their own money seems to work on the average Ontarian.
I’m unconvinced enough voters are punishing Ford despite all of his mistakes.
Too many people get riled up over national politics and international events while ignoring their civic duties in their community and province. It’s disappointing.
Lol this moron forwarded reddit comments to the FBI… the same FBI that is getting gutted by Trump.
I think they have much bigger problems than a whiny snowflake and his tiny ego.
Sure buddy, as long as you offer your house as shelter and stock it with fish so the bears don’t starve!
While tempting, such a move would guarantee the trade war actually begins. Ideally, Canada isn’t slammed with tariffs in the first place.
Fighting dirty. I like it.
It’s an intriguing idea to ignore American IPs, but then why would American businesses sell their products in Canada at all if IPs aren’t being respected? It also sounds like Canadian consumers would be hindered in the long term because jailbreaking isn’t performed by the majority of consumers (how many people currently use a VPN to bypass Netflix’s region locks)
Apparently, the president doesn’t require congressional approval of tariffs when justified by a national emergency. The hysterics over illegal immigration and drugs make perfect sense when you realize they’re just a pretense to bypass accountability.
The funny part is that Congress can’t remove the tariffs by passing a bill because it would then require Trump’s signature to become law. So much for checks and balances.
This attention whore doesn’t deserve the eyeballs and is entirely coasting on his last name for any relevance whatsoever.
I’m down voting this post because it isn’t news worthy.
We could also tariff ammunition.
Imma shoot your ass, when I can afford it!
So much for the master negotiator.
Is anybody surprised this guy can’t keep his policy straight? He can’t even stay on topic for 5 minutes when he talks.