While Park said an [sic] seeing an enrollment cliff isn’t occurring just yet, […]
None of those people are 18 yet. The 2007 kids, from when birth rates last peaked, are just now 17. The declining birth rate hasn’t caught up yet.
The article says it’s multifactorial, but predominantly cost and the need to work;
The cost of college is the number one barrier to enrolling in higher education for adults not enrolled in such a program, according to a 2024 report from Gallup and the Lumina Foundation. That report also found that for more than three-quarters of the more than 3,000 unenrolled adults polled, cost and the need to work were preventing them from pursuing further education.
In mild cases of autism, perhaps. It can be severe and debilitating, to the point of requiring life-long 24/7 care.
That said, conspiracy nuts buying that vaccines cause autism and failing to see the actual, real-life conspiracy which lead to the idea of vaccines causing autism would be absolutely fucking hilarious if it hadn’t been the direct cause of countless dead children. Read up on Andrew Wakefield if you don’t know what I’m talking about.