I kinda miss the laugh inducing bugs, tbh
Hahahah that’s so utterly specific. One of our Maya installs was broken in such a way that activating the move tool overlaid your viewport with a red tint, the rotation tool gave you a green tint and the scale tool, you guessed it, a blue tint. Since you tend to switch those tools often, especially as an animator, this was a nightmare. Not cracking related but still
I remember it was possible to buy fully functional 3d studio max 4 copies at the flea market in 2003 or so. They came with an easy to use license keygen (or so I’m told).
Can you expand on that “click 30 times” bit?
For completion, this is what the GNU GPL license encourages : it makes it so someone can’t sell their software without also providing the source, in the event they used your GPL-licensed library. It’s the good kind of trickle-down
damn that’s a bummer.
Hi, much appreciated ! Thanks for the links. Hopefully it’ll click soon
I’ve been playing for a few months now. I love the concept, the art and the atmosphere of it. And I feel it’s been making me walk more. However, I can’t seem to make any substantial progress in the game. I’m still stuck on the starting landmass (Jarvonia), and while doing activities gets me raw materials and the occasional rare item, I can’t seem to do anything with them as transforming those requires skills I don’t have and don’t know how to obtain.
Am I missing something ? Am I just not walking enough ?
Yes, I was talking about Matrix
It’s a good bet regardless
Right, that’s not the tool for the job. Forums boards are still best at retaining information.
But aren’t room contents indexed and accessible from any client ? they aren’t accessible from a web search engine is what I understand
Plus there’s Matrix 2 now so, no excuse
it’s gotta be 6 meters of law then
I am not following
I played a year ago, I don’t remember seeing a bug. Yes actually, I was softlocked once, now that I think of it
Yea, fuck paywalls, except there isn’t one here. Not sure what you’re on about.
Pulling a serious comment from your third link only reinforces practically everything I’ve been getting at…
See, this is an example of the bad faith I mentioned above : cherrypicking examples that suit your preconceived ideas, ignoring the truckload of examples, frameworks and code snippets (which you asked for) I provided with a brief search on a free search engine. You have shown no will to communicate in good faith, so I am ending my interaction with you here. Just for the record, this is disrespectful of my time, as well as yours.
you should be able to hear my facepalm from space