We could just pass a law that says any car with more than 10 fatalities per 100k units is unsafe and has to be recalled and refunded. No car has come even close. It’s 17 times worse than a Ford Pinto.
We could just pass a law that says any car with more than 10 fatalities per 100k units is unsafe and has to be recalled and refunded. No car has come even close. It’s 17 times worse than a Ford Pinto.
The only way to curb wealth going to the top is taxes on their wealth/income… Tariffs help with labour outsourcing, but not with wealth inequality…
I suppose a guillotine would help with wealth inequality as well though…
Trump’s tariffs are universal. Meaning that even in cases where the only practical option is Canada, for example potash, they have to suffer a direct 25% price increase.
The Canadian tariffs are highly selective, we only tariff goods that have alternate non US suppliers at similar prices. In this case the tariffs would mostly reduce market competition without directly affecting price.
I think the better approach is to not enforced the digital lock aspects of the free trade agreement and have Canada be a leading repairer of farm and industrial equipment.
LMFAO oh you’re of course right… US/NATO really shouldn’t have invaded Russia… That was definitely a violation of Russian sovereignty and definitely explains why Russia needed to attack… Lemme get my notes… Ukraine??
Dude your brain is so fucking broken
LMFAO those crazy Ukrainians and their ridiculous “sovereignty”… So crazy… Everyone knows if a fascist state comes to invade your land you just give it to them, that’s how you get REAL peace.
Just like WWII… That only started because European countries were too crazy to let Hitler take what he wanted and exterminate who he wanted… It’s the rest of the world’s fault really… Fighting back is the real aggression!
Last Trump admin the US tariffed China, China retaliated by tariffs on US ag goods. Eventually Trump caved (or genius negotiation depending on your political colour) and China lifted the tariffs. Ask American farmers if they got those contracts back once China developed relationships with Brazilian farmers instead. Look at how many small farms folded since then and have been bought by commercial interests. Think that’s a coincidence? Only megacorporations can afford to wait out the consequences of these actions.
The consequences of this idiocy will last a long time.
I can’t believe that the NDP get labeled as fiscally irresponsible for supporting increasing our healthcare and our standard of living, something that is PROVEN to be cheaper than a private market solution for healthcare and standard of living.
The conservatives have the reputation as the fiscally responsible ones. Our provincial conservatives just spent 660 million dollars, to get 24s of beer into grocery stores a year before the exclusive contract with the beer store expired. That’s $50 per Ontario resident. How is that responsible?!?!?
It’s fucking wild to watch the Americans fuck everything up through fascism and seeing most Canadians say the same shit the Americans were saying 4 months ago about all parties being the same and that they can’t vote for the “secretly corrupt” center party and that they’re voting for the overtly corrupt alt-right conservatives.
I only counted 4x6 … because I can’t count :(
Best part is that if you include the free space in the center it actually has the exact number of boxes for a full bingo card.
That’s something I wish was do able in Ontario. Cars are downright hostile to cyclists here. One in 300 will actively try to “buzz” you or “roll coal” you in bike lanes or intersections. Even biking with my kids exclusively in protected lanes and using pedestrian crossings I’ve had more close calls than I can count. Some of these drivers (willingly or thorough sheer carelessness) go out of their way to endanger CHILDREN.
Driving on the road taking up a lane requires a lot of focus and attention to keep yourself safe from the significant minority of drivers who actively disdain you. And that’s when you move to the side to let them illegally pass you at every opportunity. If you tried to take a full lane for any significant amount of time in Ontario you will 100% be hit on purpose. Maybe not every ride, but you wouldn’t survive a summer of “using your legal right to a full lane”.
What about high energy use industry running only during excess supply. Making aluminum, desalination, even training AI models. There are a lot of energy guzzlers that don’t NEED to run 24/7. Why can’t they be a sink for excess power?
Well it has all the info to completely dox anyone who testified against the attorney child rapist general. Magas would literally kill them where they sleep.
Cruelty is the point.
Supervised injection sites reduce overdose mortality by 67%. Supervised injection sites reduce local assault and robbery rates Supervised injection sites reduce healthcare costs
Supervised injection sites help addicts, the communities around them, and the taxpayer. Removing them is like taking your own eye out so that the people beneath you lose both eyes.
Who is giving people free drugs?
To dam a river you flood the upstream portion to create a height difference in the river that your can use to generate electricity.
This flooding submerges MASSIVE amounts of vegetation which undergoes anaerobic decomposition releasing tons of methane. It’s a one time thing, but it’s actually up there when you include the expected lifetime of a hydro plant, and the fact that methane is a very powerful greenhouse gas.
Bootlicking bastard. How dare you defend the cops for handcuffing this poor mother whose crime is apparently letting her kid have a childhood? “Peaceful interactions turn violent”? Pizza delivery drivers are more likely to have violent and fatal interactions with the public than cops, should they handcuff us “just in case” before handing us our order? God you bootlickers disgust me. Not ONE of your positions is upheld by facts. It’s all “feelings”, feelings like “the cop felt unsafe so he unloaded 2 full clips into a black kid playing tag”. It’s all a big tower of fascist feelings.
Dude that makes no sense at all. He wants to depreciate the dollar by putting on tariffs, an action you yourself admit depreciates all OTHER currencies, thereby increasing the value of the dollar?
Then after that he’ll “negotiate” to have the other countries to appreciate their currencies? By buying US goods and companies?? Both of those things appreciate the US dollar. China has been selling their goods to the US (something which should appreciate their currency) without appreciating their currency by buying property and companies in the US so they never have to use the US dollar to buy their own currency. This increases the value of the dollar while decreasing demands for the Chinese currency. This has been widely seen as unfair currency manipulation by China.
Things that increase demand for US dollars such as buying US goods and investing in the US APPRECIATE the value of of the US dollar. I haven’t read the article yet, but I hope your summary is incorrect, because Varoufakis is generally a very intelligent left wing thinker and I would be surprised to see this kind of gaffe in basic economics.
Edit: here is a link to the article since the one above didn’t work for me.
While tariffs would work against Trump’s plan (by deppreciating foreign currencies) they give Trump revenue he can spend with congressional approval. Then for the countries that make a deal he’ll either force them to appreciate their currencies by swapping US dollars for their own currency (to depreciate the dollar), OR make them buy very long term US bonds (stabilizing the US debt markets) and buying US weapons (diluting the cost of US military R&D). Trump hopes this lets him depreciate the dollar while keeping it as a reserve currency (having his cake and eating it too).