What region are you from and what games do you play? Because playing Counter Strike as a European gets me in contact with a lot of Eastern European players and lord have I seem some shit on those profiles.
What region are you from and what games do you play? Because playing Counter Strike as a European gets me in contact with a lot of Eastern European players and lord have I seem some shit on those profiles.
You took this out of the context it was in.
I switched to Linux myself but can we please stop lying about Linux being a drop-in replacement? There is enough sofware that does not work.
Never understood why this game is so obscure. It’s very well polished. It looks and plays great. Sure had a ton of fun with it.
That still won’t say anything about the reliability of the medium. The update itself isn’t the problem.
Depends. If you need updates on the software used in the air gapped network you won’t have lot of options. Burning cd’s doesn’t sound so crazy all of a sudden though…
He looks like the neighbour from that 70’s show to me…
Nobody assumed that, but you still haven’t answered the question…