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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023

  • Hi, not the other guy, but I just thought I might try to help.

    They’re referring to RFK jr saying he would like to place ADHD and Adderall treated patients into “no technology wellness farms”. He doesn’t call them labor camps, but forced labor and limited outside contact on a government endorsed farm does indeed sound like a labor camp.

    The trouble you might be having is that RFK jr has done and said so much crazy and dangerous shit that it’s hard to keep track of how awful he is. The vaccine shit is probably top of the list, but there’s so much more. Even if he compromised on 1 thing, there’s still going to be a long list of awful threats he’s made to our protective institutions and people, and they may be a little oversensitive if you gloss over them.

  • I don’t think I quite agree about governments being predatory by nature. I think they can be, have been in the past, and safeguards and checks and balances need to be there to prevent it. But generally a democratically elected government is beneficial, albeit flawed. Often reactive rather than proactive, but not commonly bloodthirsty. I mean, they often can’t even jail executives for criminal decisions or negligence.

    In Elon’s case, I do believe governments around the world are going to have to adapt to protect their citizens from popular, but provably false and dangerous propaganda, as well as protect their privacy in the EU’s case.

    Also, I agree, we both aren’t lawmakers. So for now I will just have to cheer any attempt at adaptation, and hope that their solution is functional and passes scrutiny.