A buddhist vegan goth with questionable humour.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • That is of course possible and ultimately we will never know.

    I don’t have hard data on this, but if interbreeding between slaves / sex-slaves and whites would have been widespread I think there would be a lot more interracial people in the US. As it is the black and white ethnicities remain still notably separated, with laws up into the 1960 making it a crime to have partner that is not one’s own race.

    And yes, 1865 to now is a vastly smaller time frame than 45.000 years, and if we make it that long one the picture would be a different one.

  • or assimilation of the hot ones into Sapiens I should say

    Why the hot ones only? Having a warrior brute around sounds sensible too. Or just a refugee family of neanderthals who’s children interbred with the sapiens after a generation.

    I think violence is a very valid theory in the process of interbreading, given how humans tend to be a violent species. But the fact that children resulted out of that interbreeding that were aloud to interbreed themselves speakers for at least some level of peacefully integration.