Yes exactly, honey finds you coupon codes. It doesn’t redirect you to go buy from someone else.
Yes exactly, honey finds you coupon codes. It doesn’t redirect you to go buy from someone else.
The f-droid repo was updated 5 days ago, so that one is still active
I believe one person acts as the host. That’s why sometimes it’ll kick you out of a session and start loading again, that means the host has left and someone else needs to take over.
Also, while we’re at it, reform the DMCA to disallow automated copyright related takedown requests without some sort of human reviewing it at the other end. It’s been abused to hell and back by big business. shared on hackernews that they apparently sent a report for fraud and phishing, not copyright infringement. So sounds like funko was abusing the system even if automated copyright claims weren’t a thing.
Ik vind het ook absoluut idioot hoe normaal heel veel mensen dit vinden. Heb er wel eens wat van gezegd terwijl ik bij mijn eigen moeder in de auto zit, en word daar dan gewoon raar voor aangekeken (terwijl ze naar de weg zou moeten kijken)
Huh til the cp
command has a hard link option. I always use ln
and then have to look up what the arguments are every time.
Please explain how that makes it clickbait
they promised Windows 10 would be the “last Windows,” too.
Iirc, they didn’t. There was one person who didn’t really have the authority to make such claims say something that could have been understood as win 10 is the last windows.
I hate to defend Microsoft, they’re an awful company, but this just was never really true.
There is a nearly zero percent chance that the game developers are also cloud experts
Well yeah, that’s why you would put some cloud experts on the project besides the game devs if you’re doing things like this. It’s not just game developers working on the game.
Doesn’t even have to be people feom the Azure team. Microsoft has plenty of resources to teach someone to be a cloud expert in other branches, they even offer certifications for outside people, surely they can manage a few of their own.
There’s the pretendo network, which continues support for the 3ds. Haven’t used it myself, but I think the miiverse network is also supported by them.
So at least you can still use miiverse to some extent, though probably with way fewer people.
Nice yeah that site actively rejects https connections.
That website says it will never use SSL, but it definitely just connected over https with a valid certificate when I went there.
On grapheneos it’s a setting, 18 hours by default I believe, but adjustable from 10 minutes to 72 hours.
Android 4 released in 2011
Based on everything we learned about coreboot, we think you can port a laptop board in 40 hours or less. There are tools that you can use to dump most of the code you need. For instance, the GPIO can be done in 30 minutes, as opposed to the 30-50 hours that was quoted by several developers.
OK, so why didn’t you just port it yourself in 40 hours? Apparently it’s super easy.
He kinda looks like Lars Ulrich in that picture
Protons spam filter is really good in my experience as well, and you can also use your own domain.
The only downside so far imo is that you can’t just add it as an imap or pop3 server to any mail client, you have to use their apps or host their bridge somewhere. Something to do with their e2ee I think.
Why would you downvote a video you haven’t even watched
If you find any websites that don’t work with firefox, you should report them to Mozilla. Firefox has a list of known bad websites, and has fixes for them, usually just a user agent override.
Material files is open source and has the option to add network shares including samba.