My bad, I did not read your “edit” and I changed my response. All is good, carry on.
You should stay in Canada, at minimum, until Jan 2029.
Nothing is for free, taxation pays for the medical care.
Perhaps you should cancel the F-35 order and purchase the aircraft from Dassault, Saab or Eurofighter GmbH.
Another idiot who never left their fucking red run backward ass shithole county. Go and visit Canada, one should not play games with them. They’re educated and they know how to fight dirty.
The Orange Numbnuts will turn the USD into the worthless Ruble.
Tommorrow, “America” will become “AmeriKa.” Canada will survive and make progress, while the US will regress and fall apart.
The Canadians can take the Blue States with them to the EU.
If Mexico could organize itself like Canada, they would march in and reclaim their stolen land.
Indeed and the BS, from the Orange Stain, are orders from Moscow to divide NATO and US allies.
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Stalin did not save Europe. He took what he wanted to create the regressive Warsaw Pact. The Bolshevik bastard was on the same level as the fuck nut Hitler.
So, I cannot inform the Chinese about Mao murdering over 70 million people who disagreed with him and his CCP thugs. What about the Tiananmen Square massacre?
Zelensky is correct, Putin is identical to, take your pick, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, Franco and Tojo.
Indeed, as long as the Russian public can absorb the causalities and ignore the piss poor conditions their soldiers are facing, the war will continue. Russia needs another 1917 to end the war and we could kick them out East Prussia, Karelia and the Northern Territories.
The fucking Muscovites want the Suwalki Gap, which is part of Poland and I’m certain they will try to take more land. Then there’s Finland, a former Russian Empire vassal state. The European NATO members should ignore Putin’s Sock Puppet in the USA, properly supply and train the Ukrainians and lift the weapons restrictions. Fuck Russia.
Next door to the Russian and Chinese oligarch offices.
Well then, the US is facing what the Germans went through in the late 1920’s to 30 Jan 1933.
If Leon buys Intel, then I will switch permanently to AMD or the loser is playing with the market.