It’s not like we have border checkpoints between states. Maybe you can do something at the airport level, but roads no chance.
It’s not like we have border checkpoints between states. Maybe you can do something at the airport level, but roads no chance.
You just need a way to rationalize it. For me, I focused on the fact that the praise the Warrior of Light usually receives is in the vein of never giving up, not that they are just plain powerful. As such, I don’t view my character as any more powerful than any of the Scions, or Raubahn. I think the narrative of Shadowbringers and Endwalker support that idea. That fight with Zeno’s at the end was just pure willpower at the end, neither had any strength left and they still fought till they couldn’t move.
Sure, but that’s on them. Taking a deal is always in the hands of the defendant. But if it looks like public opinion is on their side and the concept of jury Nullification has become common knowledge, that might be enough to substantially swing what’s offered in those plea deals. Prosecutor might be generous to avoid the jury letting them off Scott free.
Jury Nullification is my right.
Opera is also Chromium but they said they are not going to do what Chrome is. So there must still be some flexibility.
Dean Winchester killed Hitler.
Fair point, what kind of voting system do you guys have? Really wish we had ranked choice.
Because people are tribalistic and paint with a very wide brush. And we have a FPTP two party system. So like it or not, liberal, left, feminist, etc memes all get lumped together. It’s up to us to reign in the crazy on our own side lest we look crazy by proxy. Or replace crazy with venom, or whatever you want to call it that is making young men feel more welcome on right.
It’s like that line from the Newsroom. “You know why people hate liberals? Because you lose. If liberals are so smart how come they lose so god damned always?”
I’m on the left and I’m tired of getting my ass kicked because my own party has no strategic or tactical sense, and no unity to rally us. Just infighting and giving the right easy wins and plentiful sticks to beat us with.
No it won’t. That’s not the point though. You talk as if humans are wholly rational. All I’m pointing out is the left are masters of shooting themselves in the foot with how they message and present themselves.
You catch more flies with honey and all that.
Everything you said is true. And will not get you victory. That’s my point. Uncomfortable truths aren’t going to get votes. Hope does.
The right may be liars but their message is essentially pining for better times past.
I am pointing out the uncomfortable truth that we are losing young men to the right, and you guys just down vote instead of face the truth. Hypocrisy.
Lol, the mirror of which is, “I can’t believe people I insult didn’t support my cause!”
Like what’s the win for you guys, to get someone who would have voted with you to be demotivated enough to stay home? And if so, isn’t that just the same childish attitude?
However, young white men are skewing right. Because the only thing the left says to them is they are privileged pieces of shit that are useless rapists that are trusted less than bears. Winning strategy.
What is a tanky? Only heard that after switching to Lemmy. What’s the origin?
Edit: God damn, definition was far more literal than I imagined!
There was a point in time where Firefox had the most market share? When was this?
I mean… Even if everyone knows it’s coming, you still need to have notice when it actually happens right?
Good. Mail everyone a damned ballot. Postage paid preferably.
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As someone with no Linux experience, what’s wrong with that code?