Nobody wants to work anymore!
Nobody wants to work anymore!
K is common short hand for a thousand.
Is anyone else getting United Healthcare ads in their Gmail promotions tab? Seemed a little tone deaf.
Edit A word.
The world doesn’t have to be this way, dragonfucker. False dichotomies only keep us in our place.
No chance he gets bail. A legal fund however could be useful.
So the police should only act if it’s a targeted attack? Against a wealthy individual? Hopefully you don’t get a canker sore polishing those boots.
Right, there is always that elephant in the room.
It would be cool if he went out in a blaze of glory that wasn’t self serving. Like legalizing weed, arming Ukraine, and just generally trying to fuck shit up for Trump before he gets in.
User name checks out. Thanks for giving a fuck and not posting the same endless whining and bad takes I’ve seen so much of.
Just pay a data broker. I’m sure it’s trivial to find demographics tied to phone numbers.
When you’re talking about actionable threats, I.E. real world violence, but want to appear only hypothetical, the meme is, “I’d kill X in Minecraft.”.
This guy really thinks he’s never gonna die. I’ll be surprised if he survives this upcoming term, and not even from a Minecraft related cause, just poor health.
I’ve heard similar things about C-sections.
Seems to me like they’ve just upped the price $10 with each successive generation of consoles.
I take it all back. They’re for sure just hucking shit out the back of the truck to make a big dumb pile for shit stain to wack off in front of.
I just…I don’t…
My only real hope for this world is that everyone will get what they deserve.
Typically when you’re clearing debris, you pile into one central location so it can get loaded into trucks and hauled off. I’m sure ole Meat Ball Ron wanted a dramatic backdrop. More than one thing can be true.
Are they finally doing a Ninja one? Goddamn, took 'em long enough. It seemed obvious to me after I played the 2nd one.