My fucking sides.
My fucking sides.
I would think that this would draw attention that they are viable targets.
Thanks for saving me the read.
I don’t partake in first person shooters but, the message is clear with this. I appreciate the parallel draw to the call of duty game.
The issue here being wealth inequality. A problem where the conservatives and liberals have the same solution.
There are certainly mechanisms that can change this. Step one is admitting liberalism has become a caustic ideology to the majority of Americans.
The difficulty is convincing 14m Americans of this.
This comment spoke to me. I’m in the trades as well. I vote blue because, its further left than I can get from the red party.
Best of luck. We will need it.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. I love the work Lina Khan is doing. Its going to be so sad when Kamala gives her the boot :(
I hope they break up google. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. I’m remaining cautiously optimistic.
I am not a German, so I appreciate you explaining that to me. As an American I’d love to say the same about our judiciary.
So, for the sake of argument, if AfD is banned would they not just became a paramilitary group?
What’s to stop them from devolving into something more ‘nefarious’ if they are stripped of political power?
One state solution. No country gets to dress up in a liberal democracy wig while sporting ethno state raybands. Apartheid states don’t get to exist in a functioning democracy.
All the Argentinians living in poverty since Milei took power, must be excited about inflation dropping these couple percentages.