Just want to note here that inflation going down doesn’t mean the prices will drop. It only means they stop increasing or the increase slows down. For prices to go down we’d need to be experiencing deflation which is incredibly bad for the economy.
Independent thinker valuing discussions grounded in reason, not emotions.
I say unpopular things but never something I know to be untrue. Always open to hear good-faith counter arguments. My goal is to engage in dialogue that seeks truth rather than scoring points.
Just want to note here that inflation going down doesn’t mean the prices will drop. It only means they stop increasing or the increase slows down. For prices to go down we’d need to be experiencing deflation which is incredibly bad for the economy.
We’re at the point where either they go, or we all do.
I’m sure this argument has been used before as well.
Dehumanizing the other has succesfully been used to to make normal people commit horrible acts in the past as well.
Spotify is the only streaming service I’ve ever paid for and few months back I even canceled that.
All it really says is it can’t definitively say either way.
No it doesn’t. It clearly says there that the original claim made in the book, which is the same claim you’re making here, is false yet you keep spreading it.
Your claim: he shut down Starlink to stop a Ukrainian assault
Truth: the Ukrainians THOUGHT coverage was enabled all the way to Crimea, but it was not
Elon didn’t disable anything. It was never enabled in the first place. Your claim is simply just false.
After the fact? After what? After the thing you’re claiming didn’t happen?
Do you see what you’re doing here? You’re using an article whose sole purpose is to debunk the claim you’re trying to make. You’re emotionally invested in this - you don’t like Elon, so you want this to be true. When someone points out that it’s not true, with evidence, you start making things up to avoid acknowledging you were wrong. This is cognitive dissonance. The reason you have this false belief to begin with is because Walter Isaacson wrote about it in his book. Now the exact same person has admitted that this didn’t happen yet you still keep harping on about it. You’re literally spreading misonformation.
Just read the article.
Your claim is that they disabled it. They didn’t. It was never enabled in the first place.
I believe that it was off not because of SpaxeX’s decision but due to U.S. sanctions. Enabling it there would’ve literally been illegal.
Musk has also added that had he been contacted by U.S. officials and told to turn it on he would have, but they didn’t.
Maybe you should read the article you linked.
To clarify on the Starlink issue: the Ukrainians THOUGHT coverage was enabled all the way to Crimea, but it was not. They asked Musk to enable it for their drone sub attack on the Russian fleet. Musk did not enable it, because he thought, probably correctly, that would cause a major war.
Starlink is not enabled in Russia or the occupied territories because it would be against U.S. sanctions and enabling it there would be literally illegal.
Musk has even said that had he been contacted by U.S. officials and told to enable it he would have but they didn’t.
Care to elaborate on why not?
Track record of what? Helping Ukraine rather than Russia? Even this article is about helping Ukraine, not Russia. Pretty much every Ukraine related action SpaceX has taken goes against this pro-Russia narrative yet the narrative sticks.
I’m not educated enough on the subject to have a strong opinion myself, but none of the professional opinion-havers whose judgment I trust seem to think DEI programs are a good thing so, I tend to believe there’s probably a reason so many are against them, and it’s likely more nuanced than the knee-jerk reaction of labeling dissenters as bigots.
Interesting. I’m not sure how it’s different where I’m from. I’ve always just imagined that walking into a Nissan dealership is equivalent to walking into an Apple store.
Though on the other hand I only buy +10 year old cars so it’s not really something that concerns me so I haven’t put much thought into it.
I agree about the car salesmen though. They’re professional bullshitters.
What does this mean? Where else can you buy new cars from but the dealership? Isn’t buying from a Volkswagen dealership the same as buying directly from the manufacturer?
The original MagSafe is great. I still have it on my laptop.
It should be able to perform any cognitive task a human can. We already have AI systems that are better at individual tasks.
Yeah. What ever makes me want to reason someone out of killing an another person is ultimately mysterious to even myself. I don’t know what compells me to do that and even if succesfull I can’t really take credit for it as if it’s something I alone decided to do out of my free will.
One major group of people seems to be always left out of these lists as if they’re unaffected by everything.