This, also BDS.
This, also BDS.
I look at neither. I look at what the scripture says.
She criticized their policies banning Afghan girls from education and work as “gender apartheid” and un-Islamic.
Says right there it is opposite of what the religion teaches?!
At least wait until there is an article that confirms your bias to spit your poison, dude.
It’s time to add them to the BDS list.
What kind of game park is inhabited by lions?? The Hunger Games park?
These permanent members are in the top arms suppliers, playing a double game of pretending to work for world peace while gaining from wars.
Absolutely unplayable !
Not strictly user-friendly but this how I usually do it with this ONE command:
ffmpeg -allowed_extensions ALL -protocol_whitelist file,http,https,tcp,tls,crypto -i PLAYLIST.m3u -codec copy OUTPUT.mp4
At what age have you become sexually active?
This might be as a response after the interception of the South Korean drone near Pyongyang.
I’m no lawyer. I don’t know if GNU/Linux is subject to the U.S export regulations.
Thank you!
That was easy thanks to the link generator. Once you get the installer, you can extract the files with 7z and the game starts flawlessly with wine.
Is it possible to download the game on Linux?
Traffic regulations tell drivers to stop at red lights. Dude sees some cars run red lights and goes on hating traffic regulations saying they encourage running red lights. Random guy points out the absurdity but gets called a fool.
Well, what can I say? Have a nice day, dude.