The Netherlands does not in any way control Greenland…
The Netherlands does not in any way control Greenland…
Why is Greenland bound to a treaty signed by the Netherlands?
Technology is only one part of the equation. If a factory upgrades its machines but loses half its workforce, it could end up producing less than before.
In Japan, technology improvements are not enough to make up for an aging population. So either workers put in even longer hours or the country has to make do with less stuff than before. And workers are approaching their limits.
So we should be able to get by with less labor, right?…
Sure. Or everyone could get more stuff for the same amount of labor.
Suppose your boss told you, “You’ve been doing a great job at work. We could give you 10% raise, or we could keep your paycheck the same and cut your hours by 10%.” I don’t know which you would choose, but most people would take the raise.
Less productive means less things for you.
Suppose you ate 100 bananas this year. Suppose you were told that next year you are only allowed 90 bananas, and what’s more you will never have 100 bananas a year again. Even worse, after next year you will never have 90 bananas again. And the same is true of everything else you enjoy.
Most people hope, at a minimum, that next year will be no worse than this year. They do not like knowing, for certain, that every year will be worse than the one before. Forever. But that’s what happens when productivity inexorably declines.
In fact, in this situation the only way to make things better, for anyone, is at someone else’s expense. There is no such thing as a win-win outcome. That makes for a very unpleasant society and it’s easy to see why leaders want to avoid this.
If population is decreasing because of decreased birthrate, then the population is aging. And all else equal, an aging population is less productive because fewer people are working.
OK, so the DoJ filed a judicial misconduct complaint.
Uh no, the AI didn’t crack any problem.
The AI produced the same hypothesis that a scientist produced, one that the scientist considered his own original awesome idea.
But the truth is that science is less about producing awesome ideas and more about proving them. And AI did nothing in this regard, except to remind scientists that their original awesome ideas are often not so original.
There’s even a term scientists use when another scientist has the same idea but actually managed to do the work of proving it: “scooped”. It’s a very common occurrence. It didn’t happen here.
The SCOTUS already held that schools cannot consider race in their admissions. But schools can still use geography, so they often give preference to applicants from disadvantaged neighborhoods. I don’t think Trump’s latest EO is going to change that.
Yes, but that does not mean they want to be publicly traded.
There are plenty of privately held for-profit companies, for example Valve. Their business model does not involve stock prices, in fact it is impossible to buy Valve stock.
I doubt that’s their plan, since they aren’t on the stock market.
There are no commas in the text. And even under your interpretation, the US is only obligated to seek action by the UN Security Council. They have done so.
Section 4:
The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and The United States of America reaffirm their commitment to seek immediate United Nations Security Council action to provide assistance to Ukraine, as a non-nuclear-weapon state party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, if Ukraine should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used
The US promised to seek action from the UN Security Council if Ukraine suffered or was threatened with nuclear attack.
Ukraine hasn’t suffered a nuclear attack. Even so, the US did seek action from the Security Council, but it was predictably vetoed by Russia.
The US promised they would not invade Ukraine, but they never promised they would protect Ukraine.
You can get much better rates if you are willing to lock your savings in for at least few months. Short term treasury bonds are 4-5% right now.
I don’t care if companies speculate or if they make a profit.
Nonsense. Most people who boycott products aren’t posting about it on the internet.
And I don’t know why you assume that opposing one company means you have to oppose others. People are allowed to oppose PayPal but not give a crap about eating meat.
I do, but they don’t own Coke. And my tap water comes from my tap.
I can easily avoid every company owned by PayPal.
The first line of your link:
Not the Netherlands.