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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I played GTA V online with three of my friends, and had about 900 hours of play. Then one day, bam, they literally cut anyone using Linux off from being able to connect to the servers. It just leaves a real bad taste in my mouth, because I would have probably gone to RDR2 next, and might have even bought RDR on my Switch. Voting with my wallet is all I can do, and at this point it feels like voting for a president. My tiny little vote won’t really amount to much, but hey at least I can feel good about standing on my principals. Like someone else said, they have 30 year backlog of games, and I have similar. So not playing either GTA V online anymore or buying GTA VI won’t really affect me in the long run as far as hindering my enjoyment of other games so there’s that…

  • Gotcha. Well, I guess being an old guy and having never correlated someone’s computer background to any kind of meaning other than they like that particular background, I guess I don’t see anything into it. But hey, I work with a bunch of terminals all day long so there’s not an opportunity to customize things there, and the one work machine that has a gui, I have just left the background as the default. That is a rule of mine, nothing personal on the work laptop.

  • younger me would’ve freaked out by the idea of having proprietary files

    That’s good for starters. What do you mean by “younger me would’ve freaked out by the idea of having proprietary files”? Exactly what proprietary files are you talking about? Background pics are usually jpeg, or png, and those are not proprietary to linux, so I think that’s part of what has everyone confused about this. Are you also insinuating that people can only use certain backgrounds based on either belief or their own actual background? I am curious to hear your explanation if you aren’t a llm. And by the way, saying you don’t use chatgpt is exactly what I would expect chatgpt to reply with. LOL. I keed I keed.

  • If you have multiple profiles set up on one switch, before you start a game it will ask you which profile is playing. Any save info for that gaming session will be tied to that profile. Anyone with a Switch can use the physical media with the caveat that only one person can be playing it at a time. Now if you buy the games online, you won’t need the physical media, but the game is tied to the account. As for cost, well it can get expensive and my family usually reserved the large purchases for things like birthdays or christmas. If I had a nickel for every dollar I have spent on gaming systems over the years, I would be able to retire. :)

  • That said, this has always been the case, they’ve just covered their legal bases by updating their TOS.

    Can you be a little more specific with your definition of this and always? I am old enough to remember that when you purchased a physical copy of a game, you got the game in it’s entirety in perpetuity. Eg: I still have my Donkey Kong cartridge for my Atari 800. To be a little more current, I have a copy of Kerbal Space Program from the company that I can download the entire copy of the game and install it on my pc. So what do you mean by your comment, as I remember a time when it wasn’t the case that you were only purchasing a license? Or do you mean that it’s always been the case with these services?

    I was just had by rockstar when they cut off certain people who paid to play GTA Online and are now blocked. I will be voting with my wallet and never purchasing another rockstar game in the future, and in case they ever happened to see this, I was considering picking up the rdr games not only on pc, but my xbox and maybe even the switch. It has soured me to the point where this steam issue more of a concern and something I will be keeping an eye on.

    Also, one last comment about your last line. We don’t need congress to get involved if we as a collective of gamers just gathered together and stopped “licensing” their games. Just like if everyone, instead of complaining about the price of beer and hotdogs at stadiums, would just stop buying them for a while, the people raping our wallets would be forced to bring prices down. But alas, I think the chances of that happening are next to zero.

  • It sure doesn’t say when that was updated, but for a long period of time the use of drone when discussing unmanned aircraft was reserved for military craft that were usually armed and used to kill people. In the attempt to demonize hobby rc use, the press started calling simple quadcopters (and other propeller configurations if we are being pedantic) drones and not what they were normally called by the people using and making them in the hobby. My point still stands, the press likes to change the wording of things, and will perpetuate their narrative in order to garner views. Manufacturing fear is part of their tactic, and is why I replied what I replied to the question of why the press continues to push the false narrative of these cars being “self driving”.