M4a wasn’t even on her platform (it was in 2020, so not having it was deliberate)
M4a wasn’t even on her platform (it was in 2020, so not having it was deliberate)
There have been plenty of cases of windows messing up boot configuration if dual boot over the years, though it’s pretty rare more recently. The last one was only a few months ago and affected systems using secure boot https://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-update-breaks-linux-dual-boot-but-there-is-a-fix-for-some-users/
You’re extrapolating to “forever”. I just want to reduce e-waste by not forcing people to get new computers they don’t want or need yet. Every year of additional service life, more people upgrade hardware for other reasons.
Because of the sheer amount of e-waste it will generate by force-decommissioning hardware in active usage. Don’t know why that’s so hard to understand.
If you want to get cancer in your own house go ahead.
I agree with the sentiment of both you and the person I originally applied to. Smoking is a blight and I wish it would go away. I simply don’t think prohibition is the way to do it.
Mainly the health service but also they create insane amounts of litter
Vaping also creates an insane amount of litter. I wish vaping would go away just as much as I do cigarettes.
More like prohibition doesn’t work
To my knowledge upgrading to the newer release of any of those linux distros was not blocked by having only slightly old and perfectly serviceable hardware.
Targeted ads are obviously way more effective and therefore generate more money. But it’s not the only way.
I’m not so sure this has turned out to be all that true
I never used npp as my code editor but as a secondary program that i kept notes in and would paste text in to manipulate then move back into code editor. It had a rich plugin ecosystem way before that was common. I use Kate for those purposes instead now
Why would it involve re encoding?
One thing that holds people back sometimes is that bash scripts that set environment variables don’t work by default. https://github.com/edc/bass is an easy solution