Would prions fall under this category?
Would prions fall under this category?
If the admins feel like mods aren’t doing enough to keep a sub within reddits guidelines, they may remove mods or even ban the subreddit entirely.
Outer Wilds says “hold my beer.”
I also got white text even after turning dark mode off and refreshing the page. I had to “select all” to read it.
Dota 2. I barely enjoy it, but it’s hard to find games that a friend group will agree to consistently play.
I’m just surprised anyone uses steam forums for anything beside troubleshooting.
Thanks for the detailed response. I intentially dehumidify our living spaces so I don’t think I have a spot that would match your stated requirements for the time being. I will definitely bookmark your comment in case my dreams of installing a greenhouse come to fruition in the next couple years.
Could vanilla orchids do well as a houseplant? I’m zone 7b/8a so I’ve had success playing around with semi tropical plants, but I don’t have greenhouse space to overwinter frost intolerant plants.
Florida man and Texas Judge are the dynamic duo we didn’t really need.
Don’t victim blame. Godzilla didn’t cause the radiation, he suffered irreparable changes from it.
I’m really not convinced that China landing people on the moon would be that much of a wake up call since “we’ve been there, done that.” The moon doesn’t have nearly the same inconceivable new frontier value like it did pre-apollo.
Maybe China landing astronauts on Mars would be different, but the general public and congress seem pretty apathetic towards space exploration.
So does the acanthamoeba get stuck behind the contact and can’t get washed away by tears? Or do the contacts cause small abrasions that serve as an entry point? What role is the contact lens playing?
Did the contacts really make a difference here or is swimming in affected waters the main hazard?
There’s no risk for a factory condition unit. This rumor started after people with units that had been dissasembled and reassembled had issues with vertical orientation. It turned out that it’s very easy to mess up the seals that keep the liquid metal thermal interface in place. So units that had been previously taken apart had liquid metal slowly leak, causing overheating and/or shorting.
If you haven’t taken the cooler off the mainboard, using the vertical stand is just fine. I haven’t seen any evidence of factory assembled units suffering leaking. It does imply that user servicing of ps5’s is a bit risky, and you might need to be wary of used units where you don’t necessarily know the service history.
To avoid unnecessary confusion, taking the covers off to add an m.2 ssd does not add any risk.
Well my goal is more of a “get out” than “get ahead.” But maybe that attitude is why I’m not more of a winner.
Dang, guess I should have invested mine like you instead of putting it toward student loans.
If they are wholly owned by Cigna, doesn’t it seem like they’re not necessarily just middle men, but more like designated patsies? Why wouldn’t Cigna do this in house, unless they are trying to limit their exposure to liability when this blows up?
The old mechanics are present, but there’s a lot of new mechanics. There’s also actual character dialog and story. If you liked the first at all, I think you’ll like the second. It adds a lot more than just pretty graphics.
Easily one of the top 5 games I’ve played in the last few years. If you like puzzle games, this is worth checking out.
I watched a discussion from a former pilot who made it sound like the concrete structure that the plane ran into at the end of the runway was highly unusual and unnecessarily strong. Usually those locating beacons are mounted on very light plastic poles or on a tube frame. The heavy concrete foundation seems to be a significant factor in turning this from a rough emergency landing into a major disastor. I would imagine South Korea will revisit code for what kinds of structures can be built on the ends of runways after this.