And the logic of fascists is “we can wipe them all out, so then the threat will be gone”, ignoring the practical impossibility of actually killing so many millions of people completely, as well as the fact that the entire world can see what they’re doing, and have connections to the victims, so they are making way more enemies than they started with.
It’s a delusion of superiority, that they are so powerful and their foes so weak that they can overwhelm them.
I maintain that it would be relatively simple to create an open source version of an app/protocol like this that serves people’s needs for this exact use case, and if it were designed for any community to use, it could be essentially free as you say and high quality, and be a single point of service for everyone.
If this were done right it could put all these thin platforms out of business and allow delivery drivers to establish fair terms for themselves.
This would be a really good fit for federation I think.