Money’s gotta come from somewhere. At least with a trigger law Illinois won’t be taking on more debt while they figure out what to do.
Money’s gotta come from somewhere. At least with a trigger law Illinois won’t be taking on more debt while they figure out what to do.
“Stop the count!”
“Because I’m winning!”
Every time something bad happens when a white man is in charge I’m going to say it happened because the boat/company/whatever wasn’t woke enough.
I can understand only arresting 6 people, because I doubt very many people had their hands on the actual website. But the fact that hundreds of thousands of people actually interacted with the site is downright mind boggling.
…hundreds of thousands of users
The official hat of “females always pick the chads, even though I dress better than all these normies!”
Same. If Zillow is correct my house is worth 90k more than we paid for it, but I can’t sell it because everything else went up with it, and I’m locked into a stupid low interest rate. It’s like someone gave me a beer that never gets empty, but I also have to hold it forever. If I want to switch to a different drink I’m shit outta luck, but I can’t really complain because I always have the beer 🤷♂️
Supply and demand. Stop letting people (or corporations) buy more than one house and watch prices fall. I own a home, and I’m perfectly willing to see it lose value in order to avoid seeing my country turn into some modern feudalistic hellhole.
That seems like a significant security risk
It’s like the 3rd paragraph