Okay, all of these customer reviews loved this product!
Weird how formulaic they sounded though.
Okay, all of these customer reviews loved this product!
Weird how formulaic they sounded though.
Incoming forced 4-factor authentication
Charter schools, lol
I like a good legendary drop rate, the problem was the legendary effects were boring.
I agree, but that’s because children should be neither seen nor heard.
12 souls-like fans absolutely furious
Bro he’s a sexist not a Nazi, take it down a notch.
Plus Kanye would have won because he convinced all the best game developers from the last ten years to collaborate and do his work for him.
Idk, he can bob and weave with the best of them. Like that time he dodged the blackface by apologizing for his privilege, and it worked.
I would if I thought he was joking, but historically speaking fascists start their conquests with neighbors of similar culture so…
They’re like cockroaches, once a breeding colony gets going it’s impossible without fire.
Goddamn it stop sending us your fascist rejects you Commonwealth motherfuckers.
Thiel, Musk, fucking Murdoch, and now Peterson?
Inb4 drive failure
And five minutes of ads.
Yeah but that’s cottage industry compared to what’s coming if this game has staying power.
I wonder what Disney is going to do when people start making Blender porn with their models.
They haven’t pissed off the Blizzard players yet.
I don’t. Might as well just be a cop if you think like that, plenty of room for bootlicking morons in that profession.
“my crypto representative… @”
Yes. Is it surprising to you that the US government would be involved in the assassination of a Civil Rights and socialist leader or have ties to white supremacy?
If so, I can recommend quite a lot of further reading about… Most of US history.
… Yes?
I dislike the implied irony.