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I mean what you say is logical except for the fact he was not President when this happened. Hence the mental/legal gymnastics unless I am missing something.
How the fuck can they argue presidential immunity when he was not fucking president at the time. SCOTUS said immunity for official acts as president. He was not president and therefore not an official act.
The amount of legal and mental gymnastics it takes to not sentenced this sack of shit to some real time is fucking epic. I can’t believe our entire legal system rolls over and plays dead for Aotus.
I guess they have proven him right though. It is all a show and none of it is real anymore. Pathetic.
You see that is not his goal. It is to capture everyone. He already had and still has a lot of liberals. How do you grow your base then? Obviously appeal to the other side.
It is not an either or thing for him, he wants to fool everyone. You see this behavior in a lot of attention seeking pick me bitches.
All I can say is keep them locked and secured which apparently you do.
To keep on believing they make anyone safe is beyond logic at this point. I get your feels but they are dead wrong on this topic.
Just to be clear over 1 million Americans have died from gun violence in the last twenty years. We lose on average over a thousand children a year as well. In Japan they lost 0 children to gun violence this year and the year before it and so on and so forth.
So be a big fan of widespread death under the guise of 2a rights. Just don’t pretend to be leftist once you have been shown the truth.
Pressure from the rich racist fucks who own everything. Something is clearly wrong with them.
Sorry, it is singular like POTUS. It is a play on it.
ACLU is against it due to principals of freedom of speech not that TikTok is some worthwhile company.
Trump is against it because he wants a big bribe for them to continue to operate. He has always been a blackmail king so this is right up his alley.
You mean like when we banned them from Gorilla Glass for their phones so they made an even better glass that is now the strongest!?
Yes, it is my new favorite.
Healthy people don’t follow a random stranger for an hour to assault them because of the perceived darkness of their skin.
It really blows my mind we are dealing with a resurgence of racism in the 21st century in America. I was over it when I was a child. It is like I got teleported back to the 1800s.
We really fucked up by not stomping out the south will rise again bullshit. We coddled racism so long we allowed it to fester and grow like the cancer it is.
Boy am I glad the economy is doing well now and the government is working for us. Thanks Aotus!
Says the guy defending RFK. You can’t make up this level of projection.
It’s crazy every corporate platform is made shitty after time. It is like the whole system is designed to get you to buy under false pretenses and then later pull the rug out from under you.
Oh wait, did you hear about the new corporate music platform!? Yeah it is great, they pay artist a ton and pinky promise to never turn evil. Let’s all go there!
A couple of years ago we reached the tipping point where artist are paying more for Spotify to promote their music than Spotify is paying the artists. Spotify is more evil than even the record companies at this point.
Streaming only reduced piracy because it presented a more convenient option. This formula has already changed with their predatory behavior.
The reason artist create has little to do with money. It was never about that and those that think it make shitty music and are owned by corporations.
Technology has set us free from corporate control, but we have to shun commercial platforms. We will never be free running to the wide open arms of business ready to fleece us and lock up our culture behind their pay walls.
Enshitification is here for every corporate platform. There is no escape. The days are 0% interest aka free money are now long gone.
For real, if they are so smart and hard working they can rebuild their wealth as a felon with no help from family or friends. They will have millions in no time!
Who knew openly calling for the deaths of fellow Americans on hate radio for decades would lead to this? Oh yeah, pretty everyone who understands the garbage the conservatives peddle.
Conservativism is the real predictor.