“when the president does it, it isn’t illegal”
“when the president does it, it isn’t illegal”
Those same ones who cry 2nd amendment are the ones who got taken.
Unfortunately, the ones who told these idiots that they were idiots are also the same people who want to “take away their guns” and aren’t generally the type to use the 2nd amendment as it was intended. :/
What I’d like to become the standard is:
If the question makes it super obvious the asker has zero clue what they’re asking or trying to do, lightly correct and steer them to beginner friendly resources.
If the question is competent but focusing the wrong direction or will lead to a bad habit, essentially, they know just enough to be dangerous but they’re about to be dangerous, more pointed and technical correction and steering them to either articles or better search terms to use.
If it’s a pointed question with the information to show they’ve done the normal information gathering and either need opinions that are beyond the theory or book standard information or they don’t answer the question, answer the question. Ideally also giving sources to back up your answers.
Bonus points if you can do the above without coming across as a dick. Unless they ask to ask. You can be a dick to those people.
That doesn’t exactly equate to constantly writing well. I’ve met many engineers and scientists (computer or otherwise) who couldn’t give 2 shits about proper English unless it was specifically for a grade, sending to clients, or publication.
Educated doesn’t mean that you stop writing informally. It just means you’re able to write formally.
If the transcript I’ve seen floating around is accurate, the phrase “this was fairly trivial” absolutely was about how difficult it was to pull off. The lines above and below it talk about super basic social engineering that anyone could do and the hard part of the tool engineering has already been done.
They’re being called radical Marxists, communists, etc
Hopefully not enough to cover all debts still owed. I want him fully bled dry
They paid him nothing. The auction was for the settlement of debts in bankruptcy court. Basically, the courts seized his assets including Infowars and auctioned them off to cover the outstanding debts owed.
Per NPR: The sale, which still needs to be approved by a bankruptcy judge, includes Jones’ studio and equipment, his lucrative online nutritional supplement store, domain names, customer lists and some of his social media accounts.
So it’ll be fun when all settled
Currently in an MSP. It’s all on the company culture as to if it’s shit or not. We’re fully wfh with no plans to move back to the office.
Overtime is never forced. If we have to work through lunch because all hell is breaking loose, we’re practically encouraged to leave an hour early unless the CEO is allowing ot and we want it. No pressure either direction.
If users are rude or generally hard to deal with, manager has our back in dealing with them.
Pay isn’t top dollar but there’s trade-offs
Idk about that majority of boomers know how to use a modern phone. Make calls, text, play candy crush, and go on Facebook, sure but that’s hardly knowing how to use it beyond surface level.
Depends on the organs being harvested
He still hasn’t conceded from the last one he lost
I can only hope that the anti solar groups are arguing in bad faith when they complain about how the sun works.
Either that or: they actually think that pro solar doesn’t understand this fact or one of the two groups doesn’t know how to pair solar with batteries.
What about after the words “Everybody get up, it’s time to” or “come on and”?
Sometimes you need a hard copy
If only it mattered