This, but unironically
This, but unironically
The black face guy? What did he finally do?
There is no mention at all of any payment for the summer intern in the article. Shouldn’t be a surprise, really.
Whole article about how massive success stories are one legal battle away from not being made in this country, as well as the exploitation of workers’ other skills without additional (if any) compensation. They completely miss that angle on the story somehow.
Person with very very minor role in failed franchise is making a new game as a job and being paid quite well to do more PR than work.
Yeah, people with jobs tend to do them.
Capitalism forces companies to make stupid fucking decisions?!?! shocked Pikachu face
Yeah, we can’t afford to go to Canada legally.
Did you work in Japan?
It would absolutely break my heart for the big big corporation to make a dumb decision and lose more market share! Clowns.
On one hand a huge monitor with a powerful computer and a surround sound system are also pay to win.
Blizzard could also add give us money and we’ll give you better guns. People would buy the fuck out of it just like fifa cards.
You mean a period? You are calling someone else pathetic for not using old grammar?
The people at the top of every company is there to make the most profit possible, reputation be damned.
That’s capitalism. You fet to make shit sandwiches for a while pulling in crazy profits until people stop buying, then you fold.
Stop capitalism if you don’t want it anymore lol
So is that not market manipulation?
We chose to remove a lot of content people paid for in our live service game, by releasing a new game:2 which will be a new engine with no content for a new fee!
Yeah, sure thing Blizzar… really? Huh. Sounds a lot like ActiKiBlizz.
And there are millions of people lining up for jobs that suck that LITTLE to work at. That is how our world functions. It chews people up and spits them out.
Funny how much we hear about it in the video game industry, but every school closure loses teachers. Every hospital lay off looses nurses. Every time capitalism grinds people into dust, those people are dust now.
…I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure it’s the opposite