It crashed because people were broke.
What happened in 1929 was a result of low wages and high unemployment pulling the rug out from under the economy, and therefore it suggests that policy that leads to higher wages and lower unemployment is needed to prevent a repeat.
The “implosion” of oligarchs profit margins isn’t something any of us need to worry about. Over the short term, the vast majority of us will benefit from it - like 90% of the population stands to gain, 10% will break even, and the billionaires will see their income reduced.
In the long run, putting more disposable income into the hands of working Americans will be a driver of economic growth.
Mass deportation is obviously problematic for many reasons, but negatively impacting the profit margins of the Military Industrial Complex isn’t one of them.
Increasing salaries of American workers by making labor scarce is the purpose of restrictive immigration policy.
Anyone know what version of TacOps mod is compatible with OldUnreal’s version of UT?
The capability itself is concerning. This bespoke cable might cost $200, but what would the unit cost be if a state decided to mass produce them?
Did the publisher know which ip they were working on?
gestures broadly at the current state of KSP2
To quote every Oblivion NPC: “I don’t know you, and I don’t care to know you.”
…I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me…
USA already spends more on healthcare than Europe does, they just get worse results and less healthcare per dollar. The US would be able to afford to spend even more on weapons if they got their shit together and de-privitized their healthcare system.
Avocados and logging also don’t need to worry about getting shut down by the law like the cocaine and heroin business does.
Legalize the coke and dope, and the incentive to resort to violence to avoid criminal penalties goes away.
over charging customers and under paying employees
That’s the crux of the issue.
Who’s going to buy it for a high price, if there is no demand for office space, because workers are all remote?
Avoiding GM and using the most current tech are both bad ideas, for the same reason: Tesla is owned by a horrible person.
After subtracting the expected quantity of deception in Chinese advertising, this new battery tech from China is still not as good as what Tesla has already been making for the last several years.
Yeah, its not credible to claim that large, profitable enterprises will “implode” if the supply and demand curve shifts slightly.
At the most cynical level, businesses that depend on cheap labor from undocumented immigrants will get squeezed as their labor costs increase.
America’s Military Industrial Complex isn’t going to fail if market forces require they offer more money to secure a sufficient supply of labor.