You don’t have to have everybody worry about owner duty. Cooperatives doesn’t have to be tiny organisations. You can have full time employees and so on: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danish_cooperative_movement
You don’t have to have everybody worry about owner duty. Cooperatives doesn’t have to be tiny organisations. You can have full time employees and so on: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danish_cooperative_movement
You’ll never be able to compete with mega corps that can scale and sell your data, in order to provide a service for free. Price will never be the selling point of a more democratic web.
Why would it have to be cheaper? I’m not going to make a list. It’s a normal form of organisation in my country. For example my whole apartment complex is owned by the people who live there. We vote on what we want to pay in rent and how we want to spent the money.
And the same can be done with data coops. Here is one: https://data.coop/
There are others, with other values.
In my country a coop is a legal entity and it does give you actual ownership. And we do have data coops where people pay, and vote on how services should be developed.
Non profit coops. It need to be people owned.
I’ll support Nintendo games. Nintendo is one of the big studios that actually publish finished games, and doesn’t fill them with micro transactions.
I wish their lawyers where less aggressive, but the games are solid.
Blå = blue Haj = shark
Blue shark. Also known as the great blue shark in English.
I really hope Valve will come out with a new VR headset. I refuse to use any service from Meta.
There is a difference between the PS5 Pro and the PS5. The same for Xbox Series X and S. they can make a PS5 handheld, which would just be a “lite version” especially in a year or two. And Sony can let developers have the time to adjust their game for a lower powered version.
It doesn’t have to be. It’s handheld, så you can get away with lower resolution and less impressive effects. It’s not going to compete on the big screen.
Steamdeck run a lot of PS5 titles fine. And with some newer hardware it should be doable.
I feel like a lot of similar games has been released recently.
We also have to stop thinking that everything has to grow fast, and lose hope just because it’s not. Change take a really long time. Sometimes decades. Silicon Valley are obsessed with fast growth because it’s all driven by the promise of easy money. No need to adopt their mindset. Look how fast their products turn to shit.
And then you had to quickly figure where that little laser dot was placed and get rid of that ghost.
I really enjoy Mastodon, but it seems to be too confusing with all the servers. I don’t know why, but maybe because people have been conditioned by big tech to use centralised services. Especially Gen Z that grew up with this very big tech controlled internet.
Keep doing what you are doing. I’m sure people will suddenly care deeply about software licenses if you shame them enough. They probably don’t have other shit in their life to worry about. It’s really constructive.
Maybe Mastodon should take a moment to learn something. Everybody on Reddit is praising all the moderation capabilities of Bluesky, the ability to create block lists and starter packs. The way you can verify your user by using your own domain as a handle.
Instead of complaining about users, which is pointless, make Mastodon better. Users won’t come to Mastodon by shaming them for being stupid.
Americans love to pretend they are cowboys. In reality they love centralised power and bureaucracy. They are deeply afraid of each other so they flock to platforms that pretend to be for freedom, but is actually highly regulated by centralised power. That’s why they love tech-oligarchs that pretend to be self made geniuses. It allows them to fantasise about freedom to succeed and submit to power at the same time.
OP is not exactly coming up with good examples, but I think the point is you can analyse anything and claim that there is some hidden political message, even if it was not intended by the developers. Even Gilgamesh, one of the oldest text ever found, has scholars discussing gender and sexuality. I don’t think Gilgamesh and Enkidus relationship was considered political at the time the story was written down, but in a new context and a new political landscape it can suddenly be political.
Because you are making the tired old authoritarian argument that democracy is slow, and therefore it’s better to create hierarchical organisations with some benevolent dictators. And I believe that power always corrupts so it’s not a good solution. You believe some different so we will never agree.