Time really does fly. Enjoy the old Minecraft. There’s a certain charm of the older versions. It’s simplistic, not overwhelming with the amount of new blocks and monsters and knowledge needed.
Time really does fly. Enjoy the old Minecraft. There’s a certain charm of the older versions. It’s simplistic, not overwhelming with the amount of new blocks and monsters and knowledge needed.
A bit of a throwback. Reminds me of playing split screen Minecraft on the 360 with friends all night long.
I’m waiting patiently for Ricochet: Source. With the exception of the HL expansions and Deathmatch Classic, it’s the only game that didn’t get the Source engine upgrade.
Edit: Team Fortress got a sequel but not a remake.
Docker isn’t needed for Jellyfin. It can be just installed like a regular program. I don’t know about any Arr stacks but Jellyfin by default will identify and fetch metadata for any media included in its library. The library structure that I use is one folder for music, one for TV shows, and one for movies. That’s it. I just copy over manually downloaded or ripped files.
I use Linux for hosting Jellyfin but the setup was minimal, it was just some Linux specific file permission stuff. Before you get too far into it just download Jellyfin and give it a try! You might be surprised how little setup is needed.
I’m going to join this. I was disappointed there was no Canadian instance when I joined earlier. This is hosting started today?
Self host Immich. It’s a Google Photos clone and has the same look and functionality.
I’ve counted 38 games in Epic Games. I’ve played a couple. I’ve spend $0.
No problem, happy pirating! :)
In the “Shows” section (or whatever media you’re identifying), that displays all of that media type, yep.
First hit the triple dot menu on the media that needs identifying.
From there you can find the “Identify” button.
It opens up a form where you can enter in Name, Year, and if you get really stuck, you can enter in a Imdb id. Then Jellyfin will pull the metadata from the internet and populate the image and name and all that stuff accurately. Works well!
Jellyfin usually picks up on the filenames for me from torrents. If not, I just click on the “Identify” button and enter the name of the media and the year if it’s ambiguous and it works that way no problem.
Ah, gotcha haha. As a good Canadian I’ve watched Letterkenny but not Shorsey yet.
The OHL is farm teams for the NHL. Three of the players in the game had been drafted already.
Ah, it was a Guelph vs Saginaw game. That makes sense thanks! I didn’t realize there was a few American teams.
The American anthem was booed at the OHL game I was at last weekend. I’m not sure why it’s played in the first place, my understanding is that we only play the American anthem when we play an American team in the NHL. The OHL is Ontario only. Maybe someone with some more knowledge can explain that part to me.
Yeah I remember we couldn’t get CBC anymore so we couldn’t watch the Leafs games anymore. We tried digital but we got very few channels, even less than analog. That’s when we got satellite TV.
I believe it was enabled by default on Ubuntu.
I’ve been using fractional scaling on my laptop with GNOME since I installed it about four years ago. It’s a bit heavy on battery usage but it’s worked as expected for all this time.
You’re welcome :)
Text is small! The Bee Movie script is 89.2kb
Cursed converter