It boggles my mind that any American can look at their healthcare system and look at the rest of the world and think more privatization and deregulation is the way to go.
If ANTHYING absolutely must be regulated it’s healthcare.
Independent military contractors is a really spun way to say fucking mercenaries.
Okay so I finish high school, get a job on the rigs out of high school that doesn’t require school of any kind, then technically I haven’t graduated? Because that’s fucking moronic.
Yeah you know what? I deserve to be here.
How is this not The Onion?
Lots of people believed it though.
Imagine loving beating your dog so much that you’re willing to kill someone over it.
Remember when he used to say he was a socialist? And literal morons believed him? It might have been when I realized how stupid and easily swayed most of the population is with obvious and blatant propaganda.
It’s really funny talking to my conservative friends who like to say that anyone to the left of them doesn’t understand economics and then they proceed to talk about things like carbon tax in a way that shows they don’t understand economics.
My other favourite hits from those guys:
“They don’t actually have a billion dollars, a lot of it is tied up in assets!” (And now I have to explain why wealth and liquid assets are not relevant to the context of the conversation we are having, and that literally everybody understands this, and why having wealth as assets is usually for tax evasion reasons in the guise of fuelling industry, yada yada)
“You know free healthcare isn’t free! That money has to come from somewhere!” Literally everyone understands how taxes work you brain dead fucking moron. This one actually makes me angry when people say it to me in person. The whole idea is that single payer is actually cheaper because you are cutting out a useless middleman and removing the profit incentive for letting people just fucking die. Nobody thinks that it’s literally magically free.
God, that’s still over one in ten. I feel like before Trump roughly zero Canadians would like to become Americans. This brain rot is spreading and I don’t know how to stop it and I hate it.
Lol remember when he said he was going to run for prime minister and everybody thought that was such a stupid idea that he dropped out almost immediately?
Like bro take the fucking hint and fuck off.
There’s not even any hills
If my house was destroyed due to climate disaster and all my livelihood and possessions were gone, and the insurance I was paying had the audacity to tell me they removed my insurance I would luigi their entire board of executives.
Also people keep using Rome as if things aren’t drastically different this time around.
Much easier for them to do to us than vice versa. They know this.
Right? I realized 20 years ago that trying to vote your way out of a system that’s democracy and media was controlled by the elites was a crock of shit.
Understanding that violent means are the only realistic way to change things at this point is not apathy.
Settlers is such a dumb way to describe these people.