Silly question but isn’t using a VPS the exact opposite of “self hosted”?
Silly question but isn’t using a VPS the exact opposite of “self hosted”?
Your sister
The point you’re making is stupid and accomplishes nothing.
That’s nice.
Last time I bought eggs I ended up throwing them away because I didn’t eat them. I forgot about them.
So ya I pretty much never eat eggs unless it’s a special occasion.
They could rise to $100 for all I care.
Musk didn’t win him shit. Trump was going to win no matter what.
Only reason Musk is around is because Trump’s presidency is for sale. He made a lot of money off Musk’s “donations”.
In exchange for that donation was giving Musk his position and his unofficial powers.
You should write them a letter and tell them that
Ive seen bigger protests
Says someone who lives in another country. Big words from someone whose only source of info is the corrupt media.
What do you know about what you’ve seen? What exactly have you seen?
You don’t know shit.
Totally. People are in power.
The problem is that people are DUMB. Their stupidity is continuously used against them. So even though they are in power, they have no idea how to wield that power and instead their weak minds are manipulated by smart people.
Which ultimately means it’s the smart people who are in power because they are the ones that know how to make moves and change the world. The people are their tool to do so.
It’s like saying a chisel is in power. It’s really the guy using the chisel that’s in power. The chisel is just a tool.
The people are just too dumb to ever be more than a tool.
Part of the problem is most of these people have the memory of a goldfish. They don’t recollect his first term. If they did, then they would know everything he says is bullshit. If they remembered his first term then his agenda should be obvious.
Stupid people doing stupid things. We live in a world full of dummies and they are ruining the world for everyone else that has a functioning brain.
What the fuck is happening
It’s amazing you’re all only just figuring this out now
Dumb people doing dumb things
Unexpected by whom?
There are plenty of people that don’t consider themselves poor
That doesn’t make them right. That just makes them less poor than those that are dirt poor.
If you’re not floating around on a yacht then you’re comparatively poor. They can afford things these so called rich people you talk about could never afford.
who didn’t want Trump didn’t vote
So you don’t want Trump, so your decision is to not vote?
Is your generation brain dead or something?
Less than half of us voted.
Ah yes. The “I didn’t vote” excuse so I can absolve myself from why this country is turning to shit.
If you didn’t vote YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.
If you didn’t vote you effectively voted for Trump. If you didn’t vote you already accept Trump as the result. If you didn’t vote you’re a fucking moron who deserves all the pain this admin brings.
And you can’t even answer the question.
Could you be any more disingenuous?
I don’t know what it was that pulled the mask off this farce of a system we have
Aren’t you partially not in control? If that hardware gets nuked some how then you’re compromised