I am still using a flip phone. My new goal is to make it to 2027 marking two decades of rejecting the smartphone era. Each time I consider compromising something gets even more awful about smartphones and I double down on saying no.
I am still using a flip phone. My new goal is to make it to 2027 marking two decades of rejecting the smartphone era. Each time I consider compromising something gets even more awful about smartphones and I double down on saying no.
They make profit off of being a useless barrier that prevents customers from accessing money they’ve contributed to use towards their own healthcare. They do nothing of any real value. Their constant profit seeking kills people. Every single administrator in their company is killing people.
Luckily, they won’t come after me because everything I said was true.
Yes I am.
It really pisses me off when the cars are backed up but the person in the drive through still has to spend time doing land acknowledgements for each customer and asking them their preferred pronouns. /s
Don’t make me post the poem again…
This is good to hear but we need to do everything we can to make each attempted deportation difficult. It’s a shame that I don’t know any undocumented immigrants to protect, and neither do you.
I’m glad Mexico and Canada are a united front on this, but I wish other potential targets would join in to hit the US economy hard and fast. The US can bully one or two countries at a time and probably has the economic momentum to come out on top. So this month it’s Canada and Mexico but next month it’ll be Denmark or Panama. But, if the EU, China, Mexico, Panama, Canada all implemented targeted tariffs within a week, the US would be forced to back down.
Wherever you are if you’re a consumer outside of the US, I’d say give the US the BDS treatment right now.
I agree, arrest the cop too.
Wouldn’t barely breaking even actually be exceptionally good in the history of twitter? I though it had been burning money from its conception.
Cool, but it the more learn the more I find that I’d rather Dansup wasn’t becoming the darling of the fediverse.
The heritage foundation has an argument prepared for the inevitable supreme court case. I think it’s shit, even for them, but SCOTUS seems like they’ll go along with anything.
Their argument hinges on the phrase “and subject to the jurisdiction there of” claiming that this somehow excludes non-citizens. Accepting this argument would have the weird implication of saying that non-citizens in the US are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US. So… how do other laws apply to them? How could they be charged with working or entering the US illegally?
As an American, I want the world to punish us for our bullshit.
BELOW the ground floor!
As best as I can remember, I’m on my 6th.