Good riddance. Might be willing to check the game out now.
Good riddance. Might be willing to check the game out now.
I don’t have much faith in advertisers starving Zuckerberg of cash. Unless there’s an exodus of users from Facebook, Instagram, and whatever else Zuckerberg owns then there’s not going to be any pressure on advertisers to abandon those sites.
Mildly surprised Sony actually budged on this. Of course, they really should have had this setup from the start. No one is going to like being forced to set up a PSN account to play a game, but I imagine a lot of people will do it for a free cosmetic skin or whatever in-game incentives they come up with.
“You’re trying to kidnap what I’ve rightfully stolen!” -OpenAI 2025.
While I’m a little skeptical of EA when it comes to rereleases of classic games like this, at least these games won’t be abandonware anymore.
Honestly, the most interesting part of all of this is learning that Larian has an official Tumblr account.
Three things are certain in life: Death, Taxes, and Doom running on things you didn’t think could run Doom.
That “If” is doing some heavy lifting in that sentence. Really interested to see where SteamOS goes in the future.
It’s almost impressive how companies can think up the worst ways to experience games when they want to show something off at these events.
While I wouldn’t underestimate Hasbro’s ability to blow everything up trying to make the line go up, I do think D&D just shambling on for another decade is likely. It’s just so entrenched among so many players. Sure, every new scandal is going to have some group swearing it off and going back to old editions or looking at different games, but the majority will just keep playing.
This console generation is ending already? Like, logically I know it’s been six years, but it still feels short for a console generation. Curious to see if the handheld rumors pan out and what confusing name they give it.
Great, more consolidation in the gaming industry. Still, Sony making some kind of big purchase felt inevitable once the Activision deal was finalized. I guess on the bright side Bloodborne 2 might finally happen? Or at least a remaster? But who knows with Sony.
That’s a shame. Rime was a great little game. Got it on a whim and ended up really enjoying it. Hope the developers can find work elsewhere.
Good to see GOG refocusing on games preservation. 100 games might be just a tiny fraction of all the games that need to be preserved, but at least someone is starting somewhere.
Thanks Youtube, I hate it. Like I can see some arguments for taking away the view counter, even if I think it’s a bad decision. But the date the video was uploaded? Who does that even help? I guess Youtubers will either need to start properly dating their videos or we’ll just have to use context clues to figure out when a video was uploaded.
Considering I would have never heard of this otherwise, yeah I think it’s the Streisand Effect at work. But what a bizarre thing to want scrubbed from the Internet. Like it’s not a particularly hard-hitting question and the CEO clearly had a prepared, corporate-speak answer ready. It feels like something that wouldn’t have attracted any attention if they hadn’t called attention to it. So, classic Streisand Effect I guess.
Clicked for a game announcement. Got a political manifesto about art and culture. Not disappointed. Definitely interested to see how this develops.
Honestly, perfectly understandable that she would want to quit. Tons of content creators burn out after making the same type of thing day in and day out. Walking away when it’s not fun anymore is better than sticking with something that makes you miserable.
Thanks Google, I hate it. At least the udm=14 trick and website still works, at least until google decides to stop supporting that feature. Definitely going to be using that more and more if this becomes the default google experience.