AliExpress doesn’t give a fuck.
AliExpress doesn’t give a fuck.
Just Ask Jeeves.
That control only exists as long as demand increases. They need oil revenue. Less demand means they need to increase supply to maintain revenue. Increased supply means prices fall. These are incredibly basic economic principles. Every EV sold decreases their control.
Shithole states helping us find our way to being one of those shithole countries.
How many electoral college votes and house of representative seats would they get with their population?
Not sure this would play in his favor.
That part at least makes sense.
It’s all the voters with their massive gas guzzling vehicles that are voting against their best interest. Over and over again.
More EVs means lower gas prices.
This drives up gas prices.
Killing the tax credit drives up gas prices.
It’s quite remarkable how economically m ignorant a large section of America is. Supply and demand is the easiest model to understand and yet these voters have been positioned to work against their own best interest at a basic economic level.
And this is only one a hundreds of examples. Fascinating time to be alive.
Now compare that to pigs and cows and graph it over the years. Are they higher or lower on factory farms?
Some quick search shows pigs have a higher fatality rate, around twice as high and cattle have a much lower rate, around one sixth.
I’m sure a journalist could dig deeper and get some decent numbers since the industry tracks this stuff closely. This article is unfortunately not journalism. It has a bias and agenda. Give me the facts and let me draw my own conclusions, please.
This is a straw man. No one said poor people should have better healthcare than rich people.
Covid never happened.
January 6th was a tour that got rowdy.
Covfefe rations have always twenty grams per week.
I disagree that him owning Twitter causes Trump to win. I have not heard any credible source make this claim. This sounds like 4D chess nonsense. He clearly did not want to own Twitter and didn’t know what to do with it either once he did and still had no clue how to use it.
Whatever responsibility can be placed on Twitter it would be them deplatforming him, allowing voters to forget how insane he is. This occurred prior to his purchase.
Rather than attempting to lay the blame for trumps second election on platforms, we need to come to terms with accepting that this is the direction that the majority of American’s wanted. This includes those who did not vote, since their apathy allowed Trump to win.
A plurality of Americans are very very dumb. The entire world knows this. We pretend they just don’t get us, know us, etc but we cannot ignore the reality exposed by these election outcomes.
That’s part of the joy, he bought the plot and still managed to lose the plot so quickly it’s easy to argue he never had it to begin with.
He paid billions to play himself.
Did a quick check of this in the iOS beta and there is no indication of additional enshitification as everyone fears.
The first tab is the home tab and the first few rows are from my library. I don’t see any option to hide the random noise that comes after it.
The second tab is the library itself which has the normal rows of various groups, continue watching, recently released, etc.
There is also a tab for live tv, on demand and discover.
I’ll probably only use discover because I use the watch list as one of many ways to feed my wanted lists.
Another way to interpret this is that other brands have vehicles that are far safer than thei unsafest model, while any Tesla model is unsafe.
These aren’t death panels, they are death funnels.
Giant letters?
How does saying people who are against the #MeToo movement are all Trump supporters, not calling them weirdos? I don’t think weird goes far enough.
Sexual assault is illegal inspite of Republicans not because of them. In nany states a rape victim is legally obligated to birth their rapists child and they think that’s wonderful; Godly.
Holy shit, how hard is it to tell that was sarcasm.
What is wrong with people?
No, the Trump party does.
How anyone would think I agree with the statement is silly.
#MeToo is why the Democratic Party lost.
Or at least it makes more sense than a lot of the other reasons I’ve heard that don’t involve the economy and low information voters.
I think it’s darker than that. Their solution involved doping the kids so they were heavily sedated during transport. This was out of fear they would panic and threaten their own life and that of the person transporting them.
The dark part is how Musk’s mind associated sedating a child to make them more docile with sexual assault.