Look around the world. Incumbents lost all over because of the economy. It’s not a Democrat problem.
Look around the world. Incumbents lost all over because of the economy. It’s not a Democrat problem.
The problem is the Democrats told the truth about the economy. They said it was getting better slowly over time and that prices were never going to go back to what they were before Covid. People would rather hear Trump’s comfortable lies than face the uncomfortable truth.
Trump won because millions of people were swayed by propaganda and misinformation.
Preventing fascism isn’t exciting. It’s a necessity. It’s the civic equivalent of brushing your teeth.
They should just be honest and fly the Confederate flag.
200 officers to Chicago aren’t going to last long. 20,000 wouldn’t even do it.
The Praetorian Guard killed something like 13 emperors. Food for thought.
The people in the DoJ now are doing the right thing even if their predecessors didn’t. That deserves at least a little positive acknowledgement.
The President is only immune from civil suits for actions taken while he was president. These felonies precede his term and are actionable.
You are right about him being functionally a king once he is back in office though.
Doesn’t a felony conviction make related civil suits against you much easier? I can think of a lot of people who would love to take a chunk out of his fortune.
It seems to me that it doesn’t matter what impact the bollard can withstand. It matters what a vehicle can withstand. Any collision with a stationary anchored device is going to have a chance of disabling a vehicle.
Either way it’s right wing terrorism.
Address wealth inequality and most of the other problems would evaporate.
It says it was confirmed to be an ISIS flag by the FBI, but that doesn’t rule out a literal false flag attack to justify reprisals against Muslims.
He probably had a better chance than Harris. Might not have won either way, but sadly I suspect the odds were better with him.
I’m betting he wants it because it looks big on a map and he doesn’t think anyone lives there.
If we had a perfectly equal system, I would be in favor of the death penalty but we don’t. That means we are executing a wildly disproportionate amount of poor black men. I can’t support such a system.
Republicans are the only reason this promise wasn’t fulfilled. Biden has been trying again and again to get this through.
A good start.