If I remember correctly, this js also why DB is in such a shit condition, it needs a LOT of investment, but the government couldn’t raise debt to pay it off over time.
If I remember correctly, this js also why DB is in such a shit condition, it needs a LOT of investment, but the government couldn’t raise debt to pay it off over time.
Just to chip in, cloudflare tunnels are a thing and also transverse CGNAT. Or you could use LocalXPosed, and other sevices like that.
Its the opposite for me, first time I actually got caught in one.
I speak three languages (all of them badly), and I agree, I just have to long press space and select the language I’m typing in if I want correction or suggestions.
Anything is good to me lol :)
Ok thx, this one is actually available in gog too, and for cheaper. Gonna check it out. (Costed me 0.2$, but there is regional pricing here).
Can you send me the link to FEAR? In steam there are a lot of games with this name lol.
What did sony do? I actually never heard anyone talk badly of them before.
We do kinda have a two party system tho, and there is already a bigger asshole (Pablo Marcal) planning to run for president, after getting thrid place in the biggest city.
But wont you lose like 99% of the user base? Or is it cross compatible?
What if you forgot a day, and just posted another one the next day without realizing?
AITLNGNU AITL is a translation layer and not GNU that is not Unix
Im not even american, but the FTC and Joe seem a lot cooler these past few months
Leave your phone at home sometimes, and when you need the abortion, just do that!
As in, every time you go on a walk, leave your phone at home, and then they lack of data will just be normal.
Always have been, DB is technically a for profit open capital company, but 100% of its shares are owned by the government (thats why its called Deutsche Bahn A.G., the ag stands for “share company”). It used to be a normal governmental body but was made that to privatize it later, something that never happened. Most Germans I know would rather take DB back than privatize it.