Cat Quest 3 on the Switch with my wife
Cat Quest 3 on the Switch with my wife
Hah yeah that’s what we got too. About the same time too.
2000 or 2001, can’t remember which.
Stardew Valley
Yes, I have a question. Why doesn’t anything I build look a fraction as cool as this? 😂
No, I don’t think I would agree. If I walk down the street, I’m going to see people of all types. Why should including people of all types in media be any different? Having more diversity in lead roles is preferable, yes, but I don’t see what feels “forced” about more diversity across all roles. If anything, it seems like that would be more realistic.
Yeah because everyone in media needs to be straight, white, and Christian. 🙄
Representation matters.
Religion is a helluva drug.
You made it!
Oh no. Anyway.
Same for me, but that glorified auto complete helps a lot.
I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise.
Flipping Cuyahoga county? Good fuckin’ luck. 😂
Ohio may be solidly red overall, but Cuyahoga county was 2:1 Biden last election.
Weird part is that mine is SOS at home, but my wife’s phone seems fine at work ~20 miles from here. Not sure if it’s because the cell tower(s) there are unaffected or if it is because our phones are different models.
Welp, guess that explains why mine has been in SOS basically all day so far.