This particular nazi is fucking evil.
This particular nazi is fucking evil.
Nissans are the American cars of Japan.
It’s a nice thing, the volunteer outreach you’re doing to try and help the mentally disabled.
There will be no United States in 4 years if these terrorists aren’t stopped.
A fentanyl overdose could save the world!
I’m gonna say it’s probably most likely the group of fascist filth who cheered when their unelected dictator UNMISTAKABLY seig heil saluted TWICE on stage on DAY FUCKING ONE of this fascist regime.
Nazis. What does the United States do with Nazis? Historically speaking of course.
Your unelected fuhrer is the one who sieg heil salutes in public.
What else would you be?
It makes more sense when you realize they are trying to collapse the United States.
They want to smother our country fully to death with their propaganda and stochastic terrorism, and then build out their little fiefdom nation states with us (willing or otherwise) cattle to experiment on and torment.
Why do you think the republicans are just going right along with everything? They’ve been promised their spot in the new reich.
What morals? You think I should have to play by some made up set of rules that the Nazis couldn’t give two shits about?
Killing Nazis isn’t wrong in the slightest. The USA has a rich history of doing exactly that.
We do have to make sure that they’re actually Nazis though. Maybe if their leader were to perform two back to back obvious sieg heil salutes then we could know for sure.
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Who the fuck cares what’s “legal”
The laws we have don’t apply to the filthiest fascist this country has ever “elected” so why should any of us comply with the so-called laws?
They’re not letting go of the power to destroy the United States. November was the last semi-legitmate election we will ever have.
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They so obviously all being paid/blackmailed to destroy this country from within.
Rest in pieces USA, all thanks to republican traitor filth.
That goes both ways in my book. There’s no crime we can commit against him if the law doesn’t apply.
Stephen miller, the microdick nazi filth.
Don’t fucking run apologetics for the filthy fucking nazi traitor scum. This shit is absolutely unexcusable. Trump needs to be removed and tried for treason immediately.