Settler violence was at an all-time high in the PA-administered territories. Some job Fatah is doing to protect the native Palestinian people.
Settler violence was at an all-time high in the PA-administered territories. Some job Fatah is doing to protect the native Palestinian people.
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It’s like intentional misspellings in Nigerian Prince emails. Anyone dumb enough to buy in is already a promising mark.
Israel has dropped 85,000 tons of bombs on Gaza since October 2023. Amazed that they would be “terrified” by one measly missile.
I remember that the keys for “good,” “gone,” and “home” were all the same, but I had the muscle memory to cycle through to the right one without even looking at the screen. Could type a text one-handed while driving without looking at the screen. Not possible on a smartphone!
Still has 96% recent and 96% overall positive reviews and an “overwhelmingly positive” overall rating.
I don’t think they’re making much of a dent. The article is pretty unclear though on why Chinese gamers are mad, other than that there was a possible “dodgy translation.”
“Memorized” is a bit generous. It’s pretty hazy on a lot of the details.
I booted it up recently, and it holds up really well. It hits a perfect balance of narrative and action while largely avoiding repetitive fetch quests and the like. And both of the DLC are excellent - Hearts of Stone has the best plot line in the game while Blood and Wine has the most beautiful locations.
I sure hope CDPR is up to the task. Witcher 3 is one of the greatest games ever made, but I’ve been burned by Blizzard into knowing that a great trailer doesn’t portend a great game.
China is also following the well-tread path of Japan and then Korea. Build up a cheap manufacturing base, move into more complex products, then eventually stand up heavy industry in automotive. But China’s experience with batteries through consumer electronics along with its natural abundance of rare earth minerals, alongside the general maturity of EV technology, positioned it well to take an electric automotive route where Japan and Korea previously went ICE.
Apparently, they only comprise 13% of the Korean electorate, so they’ve got that going for them.
Would that the U.S. electorate similarly rejected anti-democratic Trumpian morons.
Yeah, if your end goal is to depopulate the whole region so you can steal the rest of the land you haven’t stolen yet.
Yeah, I like the Mach-e a lot too. I think it maxes out at 150 kW of charging speed, which is the same as my Audi. But the Hyundai does 240 kW and that’s super speedy!
I went Audi but to be completely honest Hyundai and Kia make the best EVs.
I did figure out how to deal with them, and I am awash in tungsten! Now I’m shipping tungsten plates back to support my artillery aspirations.
I luckily am stuck on Vulcanus until I can figure out how to kill these worms and get to the tungsten ore, and there’s no way I can travel back to the Forgotten Realms until my rocket is fueled.
We’re talking past each other.
There are two distinct categories of impacts: carbon dioxide emissions from volcanoes (occurring presently) and supervolcano eruptions (rare even on geologic timescales but possible).
The comment chain I was responding to started with a quip about conservatives claiming that CO2 emissions are volcanic in nature. The follow-up discussion was about the relative magnitude of volcanic CO2 emissions occurring presently, including USGS figures on the magnitude of those emissions relative to anthropogenic sources. All of this discussion pertained to what is happening now.
You are making a separate point that a catastrophic supervolcano eruption would have much broader impacts. No one is disputing that. You could have a long-lasting volcanic winter, decrease in insolation and surface temperatures, widespread crop failures, etc. That’s all true. It’s also not relevant to the discussion of present impacts that was underway. Again, if a supervolcano eruption actually occurs in our lifetimes, global warming will be the least of our problems.
Well, no. The article is not talking about the kind of catastrophic supervolcano eruption that you are. It’s talking about small-scale emissions, 4000-5000 tons per day from a single supervolcano crater in Italy, which totals less than 2 million tons per year or about 0.005% of global CO2 inventory.
You introduced the concept of a catastrophic supervolcano eruption for the first time. That wasn’t the topic of the article or the comment chain I responded to.
A sensible move against the tens of thousands of women and children they’ve slaughtered? Yeah, maybe you’re just a murderous psychopath.