Sometimes I make video games

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Y’know, the prickly thing about using AI for these things is that it seems to be fairly difficult to accurately accuse or deny that it was used.

    Like, people see a trailer or a still and there’s something uncanny about it, so AI is the first thing people reach for. It’s kind of like the early days of Photoshop, people get dragged into debate that boils down to “look at the hands” or “check out these pixels.” But at the end of the day, identifying AI is all about the vibes (read: not a super accurate methodology)

    And then on the flip side, if you’re defending your work against an accusation that you used generative AI, the only defense is, “trust us, bro,” and that’s not much of a defense either.

    For what it’s worth, I don’t think the trailer or the selected stills are works of AI. The trailer looks like the union of hyperrealism and stop motion that always bleeds into the uncanny for me - and it has for as long as we’ve been using graphics to tween stop motion frames.

    I guess we really let the cat out of the bag with AI

  • The other comment points out that it’s only a case of selling steam keys where steam must have the lowest price.

    I released a game a while back and while reading the terms it sounded like I couldn’t link my Steam store page to another storefront where the game was available cheaper. Which, honestly, also kind of fair.

    But again, I think that’s really only if you’re selling steam keys. If you sold the game DRM-free on your own website, I can’t imagine they’d take down your company website.

    If you link to an Itch page or something similar that might be a thornier issue because they’re primarily a storefront.

    I’m of the opinion that my game costs X unless it’s discounted to Y. I don’t see the appeal to the end user of having a dozen different prices on a dozen different storefronts.

    I could see a situation where a developer wants to always earn, say, $10 from their game. So on Steam it might sell for $13, on another platform it might be $11 to show the difference in platform fees. But I wouldn’t do that because it’s putting me before my players, and that’s not why I make games.

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs - I know you know what they are, but for anyone reading who doesn’t) are such a terrible metric for performance. Like, yes, well performing teams generate good KPIs because they’re performing well. The minute a suit tries to actually tie a KPI to performance, people start gaming them and the product suffers.

    A little bit of a segue here, but Factorio recently released some tidbits about their performance when they wrapped up development. They said they have 0.24 sales per line of code. Now they’re a very different team making a very different kind of game for a very different kind of market, so I take this as the amusing corelation it is without putting any stock into why that is.

    Some project manager from Ubisoft is going to read that and think, “Well we can do better,” and start mandating more sales for less code. Next thing you know, devs are being punished for verbosity (an ironic twist on the classic and often abused KPI of how many lines of code are written) and before you know it you’ve got compound statements, nested ternaries, and inscrutable lambdas out the wazoo that make maintaining the code base impossible.

    I wonder if I minified all my source code into a single line before compiling if I could game the system 🤔

  • I’d like to be able to agree that nobody enjoys having their words twisted to suit others’ agendas. There seems to be plenty of that going around from both parties, and if you feel I’ve done that to you then I apologize.

    Mostly I’m frustrated here because I’m advocating for the victim. I hope she gets justice and this doesn’t happen again - whatever it is that indeed happened. It’s equally tragic no matter who it was or where they were from, but 19 is just too young to no longer be here.

    Perhaps I’m showing my biases here, but I don’t trust institutional monoliths like the police or Walmart. Once bitten, twice shy. The truth is we’ll never know what happened because none of us were there.

    I’ve left this discussion with the feeling that you’re calling me racist and am out here trying to cause distress for the family. It’s just so far off that mark that it goes beyond the pale.

    I hope your day gets better.

  • Sure, I guess I’m just deeply suspicious when a young minority dies while working at a Walmart and police rule out foul play without further comment

    At this point I haven’t even heard a cause of death. There’s nothing to go on except for conjecture

    Also I didn’t make anything up. I stated my suspicions and allowed that it could be even be accidental.

    But you have to admit it’s weird to discover someone in an oven. Even if it’s not foul play I want assurances that there’s an investigation being made to determine how this happened and prevent it from happening in the future