Gas cannisters, camp fuel, and fire works. Look of all the random shit that could be considered terrorist related, that just sounds like a redneck prepping to drive out into the Vegas mountains and have a good time.
Gas cannisters, camp fuel, and fire works. Look of all the random shit that could be considered terrorist related, that just sounds like a redneck prepping to drive out into the Vegas mountains and have a good time.
Fucking amen. I’ve never had issues with my kids in a restaurant because I waited until I knew they could handle it. Pretty god damned simple. Plus there’s just certain things you don’t allow like…running around unsupervised? Wtf is wrong with some people.
Heck yeah man! Enjoy! All of it is good, especially if you enjoy the lore.
Yes! Beatsabre is one of my other top VR titles I have wishlisted. Thanks for the recommend!
Nice, thanks! Honestly I enjoy every genre of game except sports titles so your clrecommendations are solid! Half Life: Alyx has been on my wishlist since VR released on Steam and I fully intend on picking it up day one and it being my first VR game. Appreciate the other recommends!
Honestly this game was/is pretty close to a 10/10 for me. If you have any interest in SCPs Control is probably the best ‘triple A’ title to associate various SCPs into it’s lore and story. Even if you’ve never heard of SCPs the storyline in Control is unique and very, very well done. It’s obviously a gorgeous game as well, if you can’t tell from OPs screenshots. It’s been out long enough at this point you can usually grab it for cheap on sale, or as another poster mentioned it’s free on Epic currently? Haven’t verified that though
I’ll be picking up VR soon. Do you have any recommendations?
Gotcha. Thanks for the recommend / type up! I’ve definitely spent more time than I’d admit just replaying levels. The engine is beautiful and the levels and scenery are super immersive
Holy shit a hitman fan! I’ve played all the games in the series since the original. Only one I haven’t purchased is 3 since they got really shitty with DLCs and garbage. Amazing games for replayability though.
STARBOUND!!! Dude you’re the only ever person I’ve run into. That was one for the first games I supported in Early Access and hold a special place in my heart. I somehow lost my original save on that game and was utterly devastated. At some point I’ll go do another run bit damn did that hit me hard. I had countless bases, my shop was so decked out. Ugh.
I liked Starfield as well man, I’m with you! Fallout 4 as well =]
Holy shit I have no idea how many hours I have in GW2 but…yeah, a lot. Man I keep wanting to get back into it but it’s so hard to, for me at least
Oh my god yes Dyson Sphere Project. If you liked it and Factorio give Satisfactory a shot. It’s first person but an amazing experience.
Fuck yeah Factorio! You should give Satisfactory a shot!
I feel you man. It’s few and far between where there’s a game you can easily drop / pick up on a whim with limited time. The only one that comes to mind would be Powerwash Sim but Infully realize that’s not for everyone. Wish I wasn’t so exhausted I’d go try to pull a list for you. Maybe Cult of the Lamb? Anyway, hardcore Minecraft fan myself. Consider it one of my fave zen games. Enjoy man! Merry Christmas!
This is exactly it. They don’t like their profit margin.
Thank you for the pointers. I’ll keep these in mind!
Wow thank you for the detailed type up! I’ll have to give this a shot.
You have any pointers on this game? Not sure if I just sucked at it or had bad starts but never was able to make it through more than a session without dying.
‘Fuck veterans’ is a little harsh. Some enlist because they have no other prospects or can’t afford better education to land a job. Or they’ve been indoctrinated to think it’s ‘a mans duty to their country’. I’ve known plenty of veterans that despise the military afterward, despise current gov, and despise Trump.