Didn’t Trump say if Kamala was elected we’d have WW3? It’s been less than a week and we’re trying to start some $&@!
Didn’t Trump say if Kamala was elected we’d have WW3? It’s been less than a week and we’re trying to start some $&@!
LMAO at title
Me, going on 48: “they let kids have cellphones in school?”
I don’t know who that is 👴🦯
It’s according to plan. Russia can’t compete with the West, so it wants to bring western countries to its level.
Which ones would say it does? Is Biden in your view as corrupt as Trump in that he can and has been bought for practically anyone that appeals to his ego and wallet?
Also not to make it all about asses but there’s also the goatse vibe
This is going to sound weird but so is the internet their icon suggests a chain of bodies eating out the ass of the one in front of them which to me seems apt for the product
I will. Going to start playing again today. Trying to pull away from Hollow Knight which I committed to finally trying this holiday. That’s a fantastic game.
Looks like Satisfactory.
Thats bad rite
Dangit you’re making me want to play. Can you build an army with laser guns?
I tried War of the Chosen but find the story confusing. Did they allude to these additional factions in 2 or do they just drop you in the story as if in mid stream?
I’m not efficiency oriented at all. Which I dislike because I wish I was, but simply not. I do like base building games, and enjoyed Banished a lot.
I imagine you’ve played Satisfactory.
I feel this way about XCOM. I’ll give this a shot.
I’ve spent a lot of time on the XCOM games. Installed 2 recently and having almost as much fun as the first time (this is like the 10th).
I’ve tried Risk of Rain 2 a few times. Like the comment I left about Rim World below, it just doesn’t click with me and I love shooters. Wondering what I’m missing that everyone else sees.
I’ve tried the game a few times and it doesn’t click with me. What’s is it that you find so appealing?
Fully agree with this. I’d rather pay for the things I use and get a good product.
I thought they just declared there’s no such thing as trans?