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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2024


  • But Biden can’t lie once. Got it.

    I mean… He ran in 2020 saying he would only be a one-term President…

    And then him and his staff hid his cognitive decline well past the start of the primaries…

    He also said there’d be consequences for Israel if they didn’t start allowing aid into Gaza…

    So that’s four lies, counting his backtrack on pardoning his son.

    The problem is Biden helped create the legal system he’s now shielding his son from. The same legal system that put thousands upon thousands of sons and daughters behind bars.

    And with the recent attention police conduct has gotten (and all the footage we see of officers abusing/torturing/beating/killing those being arrested), how many of those kids never made it to the courtroom because of ol’ Joe “Maybe Cops Can Just Shoot-em in the Leg” Biden and the militarized police force he helped create?

    You’re right, Republicans are corrupt to the core, they’re pieces of shit, and they have and will do things that are worse than this. But that doesn’t excuse the fact that this only benefits the Biden family, and is corruption, full stop. I understand why he did it, and I’ve gone back and forth on whether I’d do the same in his shoes (which probably means I would)…

    But he deserves to be criticized for it, as I would be, because it’s blatant corruption, and just reinforces the notion amongst non-voters that both parties are the same, they only care about protecting and enriching their own, and us plebs can just go fuck ourselves.

    And actions like this are exactly why people say “both parties,” because they prove it.

  • Oh, I’m sorry, drag is right, drag didn’t call me a Trump supporter, drag only called me a Nazi. Though, I distinctly remember you telling me I wanted you and all of your friends dead, but you aren’t worth any more time looking because you’ll use whatever mental gymnastics you need to to continue to feel that you’re right about everything.

    The rest of your comment is meaningless, drag, I didn’t purposefully misgender you, and I thought I corrected it before you saw via an edit. It wasn’t malicious, and if it was, why would I be referring to you as drag in every other instance I refer to you?

    Utterly meaningless, much like what you provide to literally every discussion you’ve been involved in. I clearly laid out my reasoning behind why Buddhism is a spiritual practice as opposed to a religion, including the fact that, by definition, religion requires the worship of a superhuman ability, primarily through a God or God’s, which Buddhism does not have, as I pointed out in my first comment.

    I like how you are throwing a temper tantrum because I accidentally misgendered you in one comment out of the dozens you and I have exchanged, yet I already know you’re not going to apologize for unjustly calling me a Nazi because that’s somehow justified in your empty head.

    You are a child, drag, and you need to get over yourself. I wasn’t insulting Buddhism, I was trying to show you how it doesn’t meet the definition of a religion. And in turn, you’re now defending atheism, or attacking atheism, (you’re writing makes zero sense), and I never claimed that Buddhism is perfect. It’s not an organized religion, it’s just not, idk why you’re doubling down on this when you are just wrong.

    And for the record, I am an atheist, you insufferable bag of hot air, and your comment doesn’t lend you the credibility you think it does. Nor did I ever claim to be a good person.

    I’m done, drag, any time I see you from now on will only be to demand my apology, with a link to the screenshot for all of Lemmy to see what an insufferable, miserable child Drag really is.

  • Y know what, fuck it, I’m so sick of this. I’m actually attempting to defend you and Buddhism here, and I’m getting this nonsense pedantic questioning.

    You’re right, Buddhism is a religion, and it’s a shit poison just like every other religion, and you’ve proved that. Hurray for Drag, once again proving drag’s superior intellect over everyone on Lemmy.

    Edit: Absolutely insufferable, and to think I was defending your pronouns in another thread too, despite you being an insufferable tool.

    Edit 2: I’d link the whole write up, but you’d probably start pedantically arguing against my point because you’re just the smartest fucking person in the world.

  • I’m claiming Buddhism isn’t a religion at all, it’s a spiritual practice.

    It’s a spiritual practice, an ideology or philosophy, there’s no centralized Buddhist religion with an unelected figurehead dictating your “religion.” You can buy a pillow and watch some YouTube videos on Buddhist practices, and you’re a Buddhist so long as you follow the ideology and practices. There’s no weekly check-ins at the church, no needing to pass certain coming-of-age rights, no baptisms or indoctrination ceremonies, no pressure to convert those around you.

    But I wouldn’t call you religious, I’d call you spiritual. You’re attempting to gain an enlightened and spiritual connection with the world/universe around you. You’re not trying to appease a God in the hopes you’ll be granted an eternal afterlife, and following every single religious rule/practice is the only way to ensure that.

  • Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six. To me, it’s solid advice (so long as the individual can own a firearm responsibly, which is an individual decision) for individuals of minority groups to arm themselves.

    The majority of situations will be like the other commenter said: arm yourself to protect yourself against groups looking to do you harm. It won’t surprise me to hear about groups of bigots rolling up on LGBTQ+ clubs and following people home to attack/assault/kill them, or if we see more Pulse Nightclub shooting events.

    Remember, Reagan pushed for gun control as the Gov of California only after the Black Panthers started carrying weapons to their rallies. Yeah, push comes to shove, the police/government have way bigger and better weapons than the average American.

    But that was true back then too, and it still scared the government enough to pass firearm restrictions. Peaceful protests can remain a lot more peaceful when the police know the other side is packing too. (I say CAN because obviously once weapons are introduced to any situation, violence is introduced as a potential consequence)

    No one wants to be the first one shot, even if you’ve got a tank/machine gun behind you as backup.

  • I’ve always heard Buddhism referred to more as a spiritual practice than a religious one. Buddhism has no “deity,” the Buddha would not have condoned the worship of himself as a God. Buddhism’s whole thing deals with karma and the path the self enlightenment, which is the key difference between Buddhism (and other spiritual “religions”): spirituality is self contained, religion isn’t.

    Per most actual religions, you need to worship in certain places, listening to certain people, and many religions encourage the conversion of those outside of the religion (sometimes by force). The community aspect is a requirement of the religion, it’s not considered “kosher” to just do it all by yourself in your house.

    And thus, these religions tend to be organized: they have a hierarchy, a power structure, hell, some ever have their own governments/countries. They protect their own, shielding them from the law despite their pedophilic transgressions (cough cough Catholicism), they require tithes or their patrons but rarely offer financial assistance to their own parishes.

    Buddhism can be practiced in groups (monks and monasteries), but those groups are not forcefully trying to convert outsiders (though they may welcome them), and they aren’t necessary. You can practice Buddhism entirely on your own and still be faithfully practicing all of the tenets of the “religion,” despite never interacting with any type of significant religious figures.

    I’ve never met a Buddhist who sat down next to me at dinner and started asking when I’m going to accept Buddha and start going to meditation and find my inner chakra and give up all of my possessions for the pursuit of pure enlightenment, or tell me I’m going to reincarnate as a disfigured creature because I’m trans.

    I have been told by various folks of various Abrahamic-Religion flavors that I’m going to hell for being trans, need to repent/kill myself, been asked when I’m going back to church, how I can turn my back on my creator, told religion will fix my depression/mental issues, and so on.

    And the fact that the majority of religions rely on the indoctrination of children for their member base to remain consistent/strong enough, rather than allowing people to find their teachings and accept/deny them for themselves when they can consent as adults, should tell you most religions are more akin to cults than anything actually beneficial to society.

  • The military and the VA offer gender affirming care, and what they offer varies.

    For instance (I’m going off memory for active duty, I got out in 2017), if you’re active duty, I believe they’ll pay for everything so long as you lay out in your Transition Plan everything you want covered and your commanding officer approves it. You need “approval” to ensure that your absence during medical recovery won’t hinder mission readiness, so basically, if you’re about to be deployed in a month for 6 months, and you’re supposed to have gender affirming surgery tomorrow with a multi-month recovery, your surgery will likely be postponed.

    The VA, which is for veterans, covers a majority of gender affirming care, but they aren’t legally allowed to cover everything. GRS/SRS is the big on, the military will cover that I believe, but the VA cannot and will not.

    With Trump coming in, I have a feeling this is all going to go away, and they’re going to use a similar approach as the Federal Minimum Drinking Age Act to basically make LGBTQ+ healthcare illegal via withholding federal funding from those states who try to continue after a federal ban. “The states can choose their drinking age gender affirming care, but those who don’t follow the federal guidelines will lose access to XYZ federal funding.”

  • I got out in 2017 partially because I’m trans and Trump was coming into the oval office. He had made it clear that trans people would not be welcome in his military, and I wasn’t going to risk being discharged because of President Bone Spurs.

    The military held him off last time, but I’m not as hopeful this time. And I just wanted to throw out there: I personally believe the GOP is going to use federal funding to essentially strip LGBTQ+ people of their rights and healthcare access. It’s going to be the Minimum Federal Drinking Age Act of 1984 again, where the fed is gonna say, “Sure, you can offer gender affirming care in your state… If you do, you won’t have access to XYZ federal funding anymore.”

    And the states will let it happen.