I usually keep a copy of the torrent in a folder just for those kind of torrents. then I make a copy in my qbittorent autoadd folder and tell qbit to not download anything except just the stuff i want before i start the torrent.
part of that is cuz i have my client set to auto-allocate space and don’t want some 50+GB thing eating all of my hdd space for temp files i might not even be interested in.
really really HATE you-know-what illegal material. but the frequency it gets brought up online really makes me wonder sometimes if there are really that many sick fucks out there or there are some sick fucks out there but governments like to also claim that it was you-know-what illegal material just so that people will tune it out and not look into things too closely…
I can kinda see govmint doing that kind of thing. specialy since there were all the “for the chidrens” anti-pribacy bills they try to sneak in in the past.