A fine is a monetary punishment, it’s supposed to hurt you. It should be a percentage of revenue or similar, not a fixed amount. That’s less than a slap on the wrist right there.
A fine is a monetary punishment, it’s supposed to hurt you. It should be a percentage of revenue or similar, not a fixed amount. That’s less than a slap on the wrist right there.
$2M fine on a company with $9B revenue. That’s pocket change and just the cost of business at this point…
The day that bubble bursts will be hilarious. I’ll probably grab popcorn and livestream Twitter for Musky’s meltdown
More like humans fucking
Artificial intelligence will never surpass natural stupidity they say
“Syrian rioters walked into Israeli bullets accidentally fired by young Jewish reservists” - The New York Times probably
Probably not, they’ll still find a way to put the blame on others.
We celebrate these strong men and sociopaths that hoard money at the expense of everybody else. I don’t think we’ll make it through before we crash hard enough to bounce back.
Can confirm, my whole family, from both sides is fucked up as well. I could clearly see ADHD and ASD signs in many of my family members, some of them born in the 20s. But yeah, it’s probably the vaccines as well!
He is a centrist though, an extreme centrist even. He stands alone in the middle, with no real convictions, and is just opportunistic when it comes to political choices.
It’s the Terraria move !
I’d love them back, but this time it’s full commitment or nothing. Euro, Schengen, the whole package, no more special treatment.
Yeah but this time they want them to win, so they’re insurgents!
I’ve never pretended that I’d singlehandedly solve the conflict, but it’s now very clear that the people who have the power to stop the ongoing massacre pretty much instantly, openly choose not to.
A long term solution is also obviously out of reach for roughly the same reason.
Well, especially if Israel keeps funding Hamas to destabilise and discredit Palestinian effort. Oh wait…
In the meantime, innocent people keep getting killed.
Bold of you to assume that it would stop if Hamas and Hezbollah ceased to exist.
They’ve been saying shit like this for almost 10 years now. Now they have all the power they want/need to proceed.
Are you absolutely certain about what you’re saying?
If someone shows you their real self, believe it.
Yeah but on the other hand, big numbers on a screen.
… So far
And importing tons from France now that the reactors are back to full power.