It doesn’t matter, my cats are way more interested in the sour cream spoon laying in the sink instead
It doesn’t matter, my cats are way more interested in the sour cream spoon laying in the sink instead
As Charlottesville showed us, cops don’t actually care. They are the boot and the stick of capital. They don’t xare how they are used, so long as they can exert violence with impunity.
Pretty sure Henry was just bitching the Jews in that quote.
Their creditors would sue because thats an asset that can be sold to refund them.
That’s not medicare for all.
And did you read the second half of the BBC article about how relations are still incredibly tense between the two? China and India are about as friendly today as the US and Russia were before the annexation of Crimea
“BRICS” isn’t any sort of actual alliance. South Africa is rapidly approaching failed state territory while China and India have ramped up hostilities across their borders.
They are using LLM’s because the companies are run by tech bros who bet big on “AI” and now have to justify that.
I have to use USD to pay my taxes, and if I don’t pay my taxes i go to jail. Cryptocurrencies aren’t used for anything other than financial speculation
We had that last year in Ohio when Householder was sentanced to 20 years prison for his roll in the bribery scandal. He cried about hard that was going to be on his family and the judge told him “you should have thought about that before accepting those bribes.”
Millennials were sold the same promises as Gen X, only it was quickly becoming apparent that those promises were straight up lies. The young millennials cam of age in the wake of the 2008 crash while the older ones lost everything in said crash. Zoomers are still being sold the American dream, only now it’s more of a hostage demand.
The balkanization is a massive problem though because instead of one, active, community we have 3 or 4 dead ones. There needs to be a critical mass of users before communities can afford to start splintering, and that just isn’t here.
It’s just gonna be rich failsons who are loving off their trust funds. It’s gonna be bad
Toyota and Honda have to meet similar regulations in markets that have those regulations but aren’t as insanely car focused as the US. They aren’t going to make a radically different Accord or Corolla for the US market just because they can. The leadership for US manufacturers are just lazy and have been for the past 50 years.
Damn, sounds like nationalizing an industry leads to lower costs and cheaper products.
Correct, because Uncle Sam is spending hundreds of billions of dollars to make oil and gas as cheap as possible while automakers spend bullions every year on stock buybacks. America’s poor investments are all China’s fault.
Sliding the deer under your car is also really bad for you. It’s going to do a lot of damage under there such as ripping break lines, destroying ball joints, or fragging your differentials. You need to safely shed as much speed as possible while maintaining your lane when about to hit a deer.
You absolutely need to hit the brakes, but don’t swerve. A deer weighs over 200lbs and will likely crash into your windshield if you hit it head on. You need to safely loose as much speed as you can because even a side hit on the deer is likely to wreck your axel and prevent you from driving.
Don’t worry, they will fix the issue by eliminating piblic assistance