My previous main instance got a pretty bad case of ded. 🥲

  • 11 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2024

  • Can’t give precise numbers, but at least that I can notice, despite greatly filtering what I check, there’s enough stuff to make running out of stuff to check rather unlikely. Besides, as I started using RSS feeds a lot recently, mainly for federated platforms (not just Lemmy ones), and the reader I use can hide posts marked as read, it’s being a struggle to lower the number of posts to read in comparison to the sum of posts automatically pulled during the set up of each link.

  • Just checked it.

    For the empty spaces in the carousel, you could use this:


    And the platform_specific_tag is what appears in their links when you open their pages and that, from what I can observe, is specific to where they activate in.

    For example, in Jurassic World Evolution and Electrician Simulator, the tag is the epic/ part of the link.

    For Overcooked 2 and The Outer Worlds, it’s gog/.

    And though it should work without the /, maybe better keep it, as the lack thereof may trigger false positives, like if Legacy of Kain for GOG is available, but you block legacy results in case you want nothing from Legacy Games, you won’t see Legacy of Kain due to its name appearing in the link.

  • Maybe this?


    It’s the filter that is the least dependent on div blocks’ structure that I can think, and unless Amazon changes either (or both) their links format and how they list stuff, at most I think you’d need to change the tw-block part every once in a while, as such bigger sites seem to change the divs’ names some times.

  • Not ideal, but what I do is to load all musics onto VLC, open the list view (Ctrl L on Linux), let the list fully load, sort by song name and check what appears repeated or that I don’t want for other reasons. It also helps if the songs are metadata-rich, such as the ones bought from Bandcamp and ITunes (not Apple Music), so it’s easier to differentiate them (given this community, I have no clue how/where from yours are). And lastly, there’s a little plugin I found a while back that helps a bunch, vlc-delete, which adds the option to delete the currently playing file, and that, at least in the Linux version, benefits from motor memory since it can be executed with a quick succession of 2 Alt shortcuts.