AI seems to be doing very well supporting right wing b.s. Who could have possibly seen that coming?
Just a nerd doing nerdy things. Former firefighter/paramedic. Leftist scum.
AI seems to be doing very well supporting right wing b.s. Who could have possibly seen that coming?
I’d just be happy with an ability to not be flagged for PvP or something like that. The few times I wasn’t getting continually ganked were fun. The rest of the time? Not so much.
Love me some RSS.
Oh no! Not another mildly harsh letter?!
US government: “Stop that right now, you hooligans!”
Also the US government: “Here’s some more weapons to genocide everybody.”
This timeline can eat a buffet of dicks.
He’s in dire need of an aneurysm.
Let DeSantis figure it out. Fuck that fascist goat fucker.
I will remember this on Revolution Day.
Almost bought this a couple of days ago, might have to go ahead now.
“I want to have Putin’s babies indefinitely.”
Currently, Plasma. But I have ADHD a bit, so I’ve gone back and forth between that and Gnome mostly. I do like Cinnamon and I really want to spend time with Xfce and maybe others just to see what feels most comfortable right now. I’m trying to go for keyboard comfort these days, so we’ll see where I land at some point!