An excellent choice, and the sequel is also great, although the gameplay is very different.
An excellent choice, and the sequel is also great, although the gameplay is very different.
What a great game. I should look into what that dev team has made lately, I’m sure they’re still making high quality games…
We’re in for a rough 4 years…
NCD is gonna lose their mind if the Kuznetsov was damaged.
In the modern gaming industry, it’s considered innovative to not be shit cuz your shareholders forced you to abandon all morals.
Teslas have no appeal for government vehicles anyways. They’re overpriced, unmaintainable, and unmodifiable. The cybertruck only comes with a permanently covered bed, which is not useful if you want to use it like a truck.
This will hurt government orgs that want to use electric trucks for short distance hauls and the post office. One will cost you more money, and the other will help republicans in the polls.
You could ban them from mainstream marketplaces. If you remove them from the apple store and play store, they’re gonna struggle, even if you still have F-Droid. If they ban hosting source code, maybe some federated git servers and maybe even gitlab will hold strong, but github will roll over like an obedient dog because it’s owned by Micro$oft. Some people will fight for it, but if VPNs lose 75% of their revenue, we will all suffer.
As a common point of confusion, Tom Cruise was surprised to receive a call from the Navy instead of the Air Force.
For the record, in case anyone cared, I audibly laughed when I read 600 watts.
The final two dlc battles more than doubled my overall playtime. Absolutely brutal bosses.
Because a criminal trial is an all-or-nothing charge, and if you fail to convince 1 juror, Jay-Z gets zero punishment for raping a 13 year old. Your odds of winning a civil trial over rape is much higher, and even if the defendant puts up a good case, you won’t walk away empty handed.
Most of these things are only true for bitcoin. Basically every other cryptocurrency is way more efficient, instant, and has extremely low fees. Bitcoin had a bit of a hostile takeover a few years ago because companies that run bitcoin exchanges wanted to incentivize their own alternatives where the exchanges could pocket more of the fees, and almost every problem in crypto now derives from that takeover.
Someone on Non-credible Defense found a plane taking off right when he was supposed to have left, which crashed a bit after take off. He was probably on that plane and probably died, but no one is reporting on it because it’s unconfirmed. Odds are news networkd are gonna be days behind Non-credible Defense just because someone had the idea to check flightradar.
Is the NYPD not aware of the internet?
The Linux one only works on some architectures. Notably, you can’t run it on a raspberry pi.
Based. Toxic streamers are careful to stay away from chat, and are have a huge impact on the overall culture.
It’s on sale on Steam for $7, just got it!
When they lost Chrimea, it was a total loss and a further war was inevitable. If you give up more territory for NATO membership, you can rest assured you won’t go to war again.
You’d be lucky to get a side of fries for 3.50, but that’s still more than I’d spend on it.
That sounds like a really low-value way of committing terrorism, while simultaneously coordinating across 3 cities. More likely, all drone shows outsource their collision avoidance software to like 2 companies and one decided that they won’t waste their money on quality control.